It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Joseph Rodriguez and his supervisor

because everything Joseph Rodriguez has done was so upsetting I went through his chain of command trying to talk to his supervisor I talked to a man that said his name is Christopher Campbell and he is the supervisor of Joseph Rodriguez when I was talking to this man he continued to say the law is written. over and over again this man would say according to the way the law is written it's okay for my employees to trust pass on private property. according to how the law is written it is okay for my employees to be contacting your building manager Paula Carol. the underlining objective of Joseph Rodriguez was to come and talk to me and when I explained my story of how I'm in danger and fear for my life he was going to claim that I was insane and call sapd behavioral health because they were trying to get me institutionalized so they could get away with all of their crimes that they had committed against me. that is the way of an insane criminal commit more crimes to cover up the previous crimes that you have already committed. now for all of us who have an ounce of common sense or a moral compass this doesn't make any sense at the point that you're about to get caught it's time to stop committing crimes. yesterday I was told that it was Gregory Marshall that I was talking to not Christopher Campbell at all and he was actually bragging that I didn't know it was him. I thought it was officer Christopher deck or one of those individuals that likes to pretend he's officer Christopher deck. in the notes you can see that he would be waiting for my packet of information so he could understand my case so that he could understand why my life was in danger and why I was in fear for my life. when I went to military avenue to the main office Southeast military he refused to answer his phone and he refused to come to the door to collect the items that I told him I was going to be dropping off. when I called his phone number and listen to his voicemail it was a completely different voice that I heard on the line. it wasn't the same man that I had talked to at all. I left that packet of information with the security officer and told her who it had to go to whether or not it got to Christopher Campbell the real Christopher Campbell or not I have no idea there's no reason for me to believe that it did get there. I then called Jesse Gonzalez which would be the supervisor of Christopher Campbell 210-304-3922 using my AT&t iPhone which is phone number 210-990-4661. I didn't get them on the phone and I had to use the voicemail I explained to him that I had a very uncomfortable conversation with his subordinate and I was trying to do a follow-up and I was also trying to drop off a packet of information that he requested. I do in fact want to continue to do a follow-up with these people because everything that Joseph Gonzalez did I mean Joseph Rodriguez did was a violation of my rights and it should be notated that Jesse Gonzalez had been attacking me and a part of this conspiracy Jesse Gonzalez was using his position to make sure there was no investigation done into the abuse that my children are subjected to. he was also helping sapd behavioral health to claim that I had some sort of mental disorder so that they could have me locked up against my own free will. I plan on doing follow-ups with both these men because of everything that Joseph Rodriguez did and how offensive it was and how it violated all of my rights I'm still upset and I'll keep going

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