It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Inmate victims of sapd

this is Ray Ray was in a very serious car accident she nearly died she ended up going to bamc because it is a learning facility where they're training new nurses they will take even those who are not veterans. Ray nearly died exactly one month after she was released from bamc she was picked up for auto theft. the supervisor of the auto theft department sapd paid $3,200 for the location of Ray so that he could pick her up and put her in jail. my question to all of you is when she's in the hospital how hard is it for you to enter the computer typing in her name or social security number even her SID number and there she is registered in the bamc hospital and you're going to tell me that you have to pay somebody $3,200 to find her? I'm wondering if the supervisor of auto theft knew the individual personally that he gave the $3,200 to and did he get a cut of the money because she wasn't hard to find it all

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