It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Traveling across the country

I was a very weary traveler as I made my way across the country I was exhausted and worn out I was upset about not receiving any justice as they attacked me and controlled my environment keeping me locked in a bubble. when I was traveling through Pennsylvania I found an awful lot of trump supporters which was to my benefit. I was handing out my envelope it in as many places as I could including and most importantly churches. when I went into Miller's town the fire department was outside training. I handed them my envelope and then I drove up the highway to a gas station so I could get something to eat and some gasoline. there was a man named Jason there and a silver vehicle him and his girlfriend Ashley had been helping to chase me Across the Nation she works in the Bexar County Courthouse she supposed to be Court supporter of some sort. what she really is is a spy and she's a sociopath no heart no beating pulse the meanest individual that I ever did come across. after visiting that gas station I made my way up the highway all of a sudden he was following me he had every intention of forcing my vehicle off the road to flip over and over again pining for my death and even if I didn't die in the car accident they would have sent me to the hospital and the medical professional Killers would have finished me off and I have a list of people they've done it to. so I drove faster and I was genuinely afraid I hit the Millerstown exit and decided I was going to the fire department because I knew they were outside to get help. when I took the exit and went towards the fire department Jason the psychopath reckless driver decided not to follow me. I parked at the post office across from the fire department I wasn't on the road I was in the parking lot of the post office filling out some letters so that I could drop them in the mailbox. a nasty woman walked up to me she had sandy blonde hair glasses and she was overweight. she told me that I couldn't park there and I couldn't be there because if there's a fire the fire trucks can't get out apparently the fire trucks need to pull into the parking lot across the street just to turn out of their fire department does that make any sense? no the nasty spy is stupid it doesn't make any sense they just need any reason to harass me to be nasty to get in my face and talk to me stupid enough to let my eyes see them and all that walk with me. because my Lord is with me and he saw you my God knows what you've done and what you are currently doing and allowing me to see your face is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life you will be brought to Justice whether it's man's law or it's God's law you've broken them both and you will be brought to Justice. Ashley had manipulated me towards Allen's Town Pennsylvania she wanted me to check into a Country Inn because there was a bunch of her people there she planned my desk while I stayed at the Country Inn and she was going to frame all those individuals that were already staying there. Ashley is a psycho as I told you she has no business working for the Bexar County Courthouse she has no business being in our country she is unfit for society. Ashley has called me several times lying to me telling me that she works for CPS and that she is a CPS agent who conducted an investigation into the abuse of my children she lied through her teeth

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