It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Mallards restaurant next to Home 2

this one is the one that was at the Mallards restaurant that was next to the home to in Bloomington . I was told to go in to get something to eat obviously it was somebody associated with her and the large obese man with the bald head and the Red Beard that was sitting at the bar drinking like trouts. when I walked in and stood there waiting for a hostess to see me the bald man turned to her and said there she is. she then leaned forward so that she could see me leaning in front of him. she was staring me down giving me dirty looks as if I was some sort of criminal as if I had ever done anything to her as if I even know her. she treated me as if I was a criminal and treated me as if I have actually hurt her personally verbally when I don't even know this woman. she continued to stare me down giving me dirty looks looking as though she was going to jump up from her seat and grab on to me that's how intense the dirty looks were. it's amazing how many of you are willing to believe the lies that you're being fed without even checking to see if it's valid or factual. this woman then manipulated the waiter telling the waiter that I was dangerous and I was insane. when the waiter was waiting on me he acted as though he was frightened of me. I wasn't sure what was going on until I was able to confirm with others what she had done while I sat there eating my meal she walked past my table several times pretending to be going to the bathroom and pretending to visit other tables. she was a bit of a spaz. then while I was sitting at the table I always write my story on the pictures that I have printed then I leave an envelope so that my story will be shared. when I paid for my meal left my envelope and left the restaurant those two drunks were still at the bar Downing beers and liquor. she then went to the waiter told him that she knows me personally told him that I'm crazy and that he shouldn't read the contents of the envelope she took the envelope from him. then this woman and the large obese bald man had entered my motel room several times stealing papers they also allowed Greg Marshall my ex-husband to enter my motel room with them. all across the nation when I go to hotels and motels that large bald obese man always gets a room directly above my room. and then I experience abdominal pain. while I was staying at the home too I received a fake court order in an email it is hideously written it is completely incomprehensible and not even close to Legal the signature which they want everyone to believe is a judge's signature is the first name only there is no State Bar registration number there is no address or phone number for the judge and there is not a full legal name for the judge. I had to point out the insanely obvious that I had not been served properly and they did not use proper process service. so apparently they were going to have me served while I was at this hotel. a man in a orange SUV older model was circling through the parking garage underneath the hotel he nearly ran over to skateboarders that were skateboarding in the parking garage near the grocery store entrance. while I was standing in the parking garage he parked near me it looked like he was sorting through papers I decided I had to get away from him and went back to my motel room. they told me that man was going to serve me and then somebody that doesn't have common sense said that anybody can conduct proper process service and of course this is not true they need to take classes they need to become registered and licensed that is why retired sheriffs always take on the job of being contracted for proper process service. they were trying to have me arrested and thrown back into the Dakota County Jail claiming that I needed to do a third rule 20.01 while I was at the home too there was a CIA agent or operative driving an Orkin service van. of course this was a cover company vehicle. sometimes they use the name of a large corporation when they get permission from the corporation. this vehicle was one of those such vehicles. the man was intoxicated sitting in the driver's seat it was running but he wasn't driving he was in the parking lot when I began taking pictures of the license plates of all the people that showed up to the home too while I was there he got out of the service van and started yelling and screaming when he jumped out of the van he tripped as if somebody had pushed him. maybe it's because he was intoxicated maybe it was something else. he came to the sidewalk where I was standing and he was yelling things like this is public property and you don't own those Vehicles you're taking pictures off think about what he's saying. it's commonplace for a drunk person to say stupid things but he was actually saying true things it's public property I'm on a public sidewalk he was screaming and yelling at me chasing me down informing me that I don't own the vehicles I'm taking pictures of which doesn't make any sense I never claimed to own any of those vehicles. it's my job to take the pictures of the license plates and when I tried to inform this halfway that it's my job he started yelling and screaming at me that it's not my job he doesn't know me what the hell is he talking about who would ever claim to know what my job is or is not. what a hideous please stupid statement Thomas dumb world. who do you think you are telling me what my job is or is not my job is to put Thomas dumwald in prison for the rest of his life that's my job

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