It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Miranda Lambert

Miranda Lambert is the strangest evil monster ever. and she has this quirky way of trying to instill guilt trips in people trying to make them look like they're guilty of some offense. she likes to claim that she is a victim of sickness and people have infected her and infected her lungs and her ability to breathe. I was using eucalyptus oil and she was throwing a fit that she couldn't breathe because of eucalyptus oil and that I was poisoning her and what was the toxic fumes wow wow boo boo. Miranda's an idiot and she thinks she can run around making me look bad and making me feel bad ruining my reputation claiming that I've done something wrong I did something wrong by using eucalyptus oil? you are a complete idiot do you know what the medical professionals say about somebody who becomes ill with an essential oils if they smell essential oils if they use an essential oils they have a chemical imbalance and if you have a chemical imbalance that means you are insane I'm sick of your stupid hideous ploys of making me look like a bad person claiming that I've done something wrong when I haven't a half a pot of coffee there's no half a pot of coffee you dumb b**** you don't even know how to do the job as a waitress just because you own a restaurant doesn't mean that you actually know how to do the job. you're stupid little antiques of making me look crazy or making me look like I'm a bad person I stood outside somebody's car and ask them directions I had a cigarette in my hand and this stupid piece of crap started throwing a fit that the woman couldn't be around cigarettes and she was allergic to her lungs were seizing that's such horseshit and you want to get it there was a pack of cigarettes sitting on the passenger seat as Miranda Lambert threw a fit announcing that her lungs were seizing then the woman was chasing me around accusing me of making her sick accusing me of some sort of crime and that I did something wrong this has been happening for two decades this woman is completely insane she's stupid. what makes you think that you can judge others and make them feel bad and make them look like bad people as you throw a little hissy fit about every little thing you're unfit for society you're unfit to be in public. you can't seem to treat people right you don't know how to talk right you are constantly attacking people verbally and physically and have had enough of your s***

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