It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Library card Minneapolis public library

the strangest thing the employee at the library on November 15th told me to get a library card. that didn't make any sense to me because I'm from Texas and I have a Texas driver's license I am currently in the process of changing my residence my legal permanent residence to Michigan. so when the employee at the library told me that I could have a library card even though I wasn't a legal resident of Minnesota and not a legal resident of Minneapolis I found it very strange but I went ahead and signed up for the library card and I used the library card at the computers. you told me I could have $5 worth of free prints which obviously is going to help me. he also gave me free prints that day of pictures and documents that I needed for my envelopes. I used the library card that day and I was getting directions to Hastings Dakota County jail and Courthouse the directions were not accurate. so I ended up stranded all night in a blizzard freezing cold and I was at a cub church or cub grocery store all night long under the impression that I was going to be able to walk to Hastings in the morning and be in a court well that wasn't going to happen because it was another 14 MI and the past and roads that I had to walk on had no side sidewalks and it was snowing hard. I was told that the police departments do not provide transportation for those in need that have to get to a court of law. they did everything in their power to make sure I wasn't in a court of law because Thomas dunwald and Scott Baker are that desperate to get a warrant for my arrest to put me back in jail I believe the underlining agenda for the library card was to prove that I was a resident of Minnesota because on the fake court order well all of them are fake on the Discovery information from the Dakota County Jail when I was in the jail for 4 months and the civil commitment it states that I have settlement in Dakota County I don't have any settlement in Dakota County it says that I have settlement in Minnesota for the purpose of civil commitment that was ordered by a Prosecuting attorneys. why would I get settlement so that they could put me through a civil commitment process that doesn't make any sense. nothing in these court orders makes any sense. and I just found out recently that you cannot get a civil commitment on somebody if they are not a resident of that state that you are trying to process a civil commitment through so nothing they did was legal they weren't supposed to put me through a civil commitment because I am not a legal resident of Minnesota now they are trying to take steps to make it look as though I'm a legal resident of Minnesota because they are trying to do the civil commitment process again. I have just been informed that it is Thomas dunnewald that is doing this and this is just how stupid he is. I can't become a legal resident of Minnesota I don't have my birth certificate or Social Security card officer Christopher deck and his girlfriend have it. Ram Martinez took it from me on August 8th 2021 he was supposed to put it in the San Antonio Police Department property room and he never put it in the property room at all he gave it to officer Christopher death. I don't have settlement here I don't have an apartment I don't have a house and when I do have any type of shelter it's a hotel or a motel obviously all of this can be proven. it looks as though they are trying to cover up the previous crimes they committed I'm trying to get a civil commitment on somebody who isn't even a resident of the state that doesn't make any sense you're not going to be able to cover up the crimes that you already committed by making me become a resident now. so obviously they are Daft enough to believe that they can get another civil commitment process done

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