It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, November 18, 2022

Bindi Irwin

bindi Irwin is the stupidest guy that ever existed when she stepped into the circus and decided she was going to help to attack me she was stupid and I believe the fat disgusting pathological liar Greg Marshall as he walked around telling people that I was still in love with him. then she decided to tell me over and over again that Greg Marshall is dead of course I was jumping for joy until I realized if you wasn't going to prison then he wasn't going to suffer the same way he made me suffer. then bindi Irwin instructed my daughter to come to San Antonio and walk past me while I was homeless streets at a park starting she instructed my daughter not to say anything to me my daughter brought her boyfriend Kevin with her as i took pictures of the two of them Kevin kept turning to my daughter Ariel paranoid and scared your mother is taking pictures of us your mother is taking pictures of us. I got pictures of the automobile that she was in and it was the same black body that is parked outside of Greg Marshalls home. she never spoke a word to me she didn't money she didn't say I love you s*** help me with the fact that I was starving to death she did everything bindi Irwin and Lady Gaga told her to do. it was designed to break my heart and cause an emotional breakdown. because it has to be, has to be suicide so i will be Forsaken by our saveriegn GOD. bindi Irwin is a very sick little girl she is unfit for society and she's unfit to be a mother I used to refer to her as a stupid comparable to the Pink panther because the stupid things that she has done and said. while I was in Michigan in March of 2022 I had to go three weeks without food and without pay ing I was in the automobile that I rented from Enterprise rental wishing not actually owned by Enterprise rental it is actually owned by Andrea the CIA social in her husband officer Thomas. Andrea was then announcing that she was going to use this vehicle to put me in prison. bindi or when was stupid enough to contin uous use my debit card she said that if I was using the debit card with the wrong PIN because she had changed the pen then I would lose the entire bank account because she is that stupid..she thinks debit cards are like social media and if you have the wrong password you will loose your account it will be gone she is that stupid. bindi Irwin was watching as I started to death she was watching me freeze unable to feel my feet unable to feel my hands covering and wrapping myself in the only clothing that I had she was watching me suffer and she was basking in the glory of it she was having so much fun as she stated just a few ago. that's a woman that is unfair for society and she is unfit to be a mother that little girl is in danger if bindi Irwin is willing to do that to the anointed what will she do to her own child she is unfit her child is in danger. bindi Irwin and Alyssa Milano told me that I was not ever going to eat again unless I beg to everybody at every gas station that I was sitting at they told me that I was required to beg for help to beg for money and food and they told me that I would die if I didn't do it. when I did decide to start asking people for help they called police officers and said that I was guilty of panhand panhandling is not illegal in Michigan they brought their Texas fungus to every state that we went to and they literally call police officers who would show up many people lost their jobs employees of the gas stations managers of the gas stations they no longer have a job because bindi Irwin is that stupid she is that salvation and self-absorbed she doesn't think about the consequences she doesn't think about the outcome she doesn't care of who she hurts she doesn't care who loses their job and is unable to take care of their own family she only cares about herself she only cares about causing the death and suicide of the annointed. when you look in all three of my bank accounts you will see that bindi Irwin's IP address is there she is in my bank account deleting the functionality of the debit cards the debit cards are being shut down and froze remotely bindi irwin is one of many that is doing this as i said before she is unfit for society and she is unfit to be a mother. what kind of of a monster attacks a mother fighting for her children fighting to keep herself alive fighting to save humanity what kind of monster does these things? bindi irwin is one of the most evil creatures that ever walked the face of the earth bindi Irwin has done so much more than I have listed here the list of what she has done and what she has said is very long after Tammy Miller told me that my children are dead and then list of details and how they were killed bindi or when decided it was a good idea and her excuse to create upset I just wanted to upset her I just want you in prison for the rest of your life I want you to suffer I want it to come back to you 10 full my children will rip from my arms I wanted to come back to you too full if you understand me Cindy

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