It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Dirty looks are awesome

dirty looks are awesome let me tell you all the reasons why dirty looks are awesome first of all you're indicating that you know exactly who I am which means that you're a part of this conspiracy and now everybody will wonder whether or not you're from our country if you're a part of this conspiracy so thank you for that dirty look. you just empowered me you gave me the power to upset you you've just announced that you feel like you have to defend yourself in my presence but I would have never known them because you're not giving me a dirty love. and here's another reason why dirty looks are so useful and so cool. if I'm a threat to you then you're going to give me a dirty look if you feel that you have to defend yourself or be little me and intimidate me then I'm a threat to you. if I become a threat to you that's because my Battle Cry My Cry for Help has been heard because it's making a difference in an impact not only in your world but the world and you have just announced that to me with your dirty looks and I thank you because it'll give me the strength to keep going and as we have this conversation about your dirty looks and your attack that means homies who is fighting for her children fighting to keep herself alive and fighting for justice and affected your world in such a manner that you feel intimidated you feel that you have to threaten me into a state of solution and to a state of Silence your efforts are fruitless and I'm concerned about yourself. I just heard somebody make the statement that they did an astronomically stupid thing that was unethical and almost bordered illegal. they say that they did this because of sovereign asked them to do it and if it's a sovereign asking them to do it then they're willing to do it and I'd like to know what else you're willing to do who will die just because it's a sovereign tells you to do it? do you see what's happening in the Ukraine right now is that the kind of thing that you want to happen just because of sovereign asked you to do something stupid? you better realize who you are and what you stand for you better stand for something. I've had enough of your crap

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