It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Another Criminal taking my bank account

oh Elvis is this your entire team look what's going to be happening now. I told you to give my bank account back stop playing games you're not putting me in the Salvation Army nobody's going to steal everything that I own because you're a free can you think that constantly taking material possession away from me will finally cause my emotional breakdown and ultimately my Suicide it's never going to happen grow a brain. and that's perfectly fine that you want to test people's Free Will and then get in their face and tell them that they made their choice and it's their own fault that's fine it's really fine but you don't have to starve me to death you don't have to cause all this abdominal pain you don't have to make me flat broke and then tell everybody they have to train every red Cent from me. I could tell that you had a completely new group of individuals in two days ago when they decided to send Security on the rail checking to see if everybody had a bus pass which I just happened to have a bus pass I don't know what you thought you were going to do with that make me look bad because I didn't have a bus pass on the rail which I had one? were you going to charge me with a crime and have me arrested? do you realize there was four or five other individuals that genuinely did not have a bus pass? those were probably your people and you just burned your own people. security told them to get off at the next stop and purchase a pass at the very next stop they sat right there on the rail and didn't move they did not get off and buy a pass. your security officers then did absolutely nothing about that problem because they were focused and concentrated on me. this is petty and trite you're not going to get anywhere with that other than making me angry. then I got on another bus and you decided to get a group of your agents doing a survey on the bus they were going to survey how people purchase their passes . I showed them my past they scanned it and gave me a free pass now that free pass that they gave me was tracked and traced I had 31 days worth of free passes when I was homeless on the streets of Minnesota and every one of them was entered in the system and every time I used one of the passes that dog that disgusting Pig rapist dog knew exactly where I was and he would then follow the bus. then I would experience abdominal pain because the disgusting fat pig dog would catch up to the bus. when I would give the bus pass away to other people he would then follow them and they experienced abdominal pain too that's how recluse and stupid he is that dog has to go immediately. but you're right Elvis he made a choice it was his choice we tested free will and good night give my bank account back and stop playing games I don't deserve this torture I'm being tortured more than a demon would be tortured what do you think you're doing? where is my mother what happened to my mother? you better start fasting up where is my mother stop with your gas lighting about the crimes that you have committed how many grades are dead? how many FBI agents were killed? where's my mother? keep throwing stones from a glass house be stupid I don't care it's going to be a long day

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