It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Ginger ruined Elvis

Ginger likes to mess with time and decided to stop time to take the Flyers away from me that I was handing out about a 3-year-old little girl who was kidnapped trying to advocate for this little girl that's how sick Ginger is . she ruined Elvis His refutation whether or not he is considered to be trustworthy whether or not he's considered to be a monster she has completely ruined him she took my bank account and told me that I was never getting it back. she has me out on the streets and it's 18° outside that's how sick Ginger is everywhere I went I was overcharged she was trying to drain my account and it was somebody else's account that she was draining that's how stupid she is. Ginger decided to do it again putting her people working at IHOP and they have completely destroyed that restaurant destroyed their reputation. there were three homeless people that were in there every night sleeping and they're her people she put them on the streets of Minnesota pretending to be homeless and they're there because of her and she decided to torture them even further instructing management to shut off the heat in the waiting area of the IHOP in an effort to flush the homeless out that's how stupid Ginger is. Ginger is so sick she continuously tells me that if she strips me down to nothing but the clothes on my body that she can force me to a shelter. you're not going to force me to know shelter Ginger and you're not going to have me committed into Psychological Services you're not putting me in a psychiatric facility. she has people screaming at me that I have to change my address to Minnesota because I have to be a legal resident of Minnesota in order for them to do a civil commitment it's a little late for that isn't it Ginger they already tried the civil commitment it was dismissed on May 23rd and I am not a legal resident of Minnesota that's how stupid Ginger is. they already did it Ginger that's called double jeopardy clearly you don't know anything about the law Ginger. I don't know what you think you're doing having Thomas worm pretend to be a cop and six different police departments in Minnesota telling me that I can't have a police report after my bank account was taken by Rory Vance Ginger Haley the cat Danielle Nagel the drunk Moscow Heather the w**** ginger has screwed up this whole operation and she doesn't know when to quit

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