It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Lady Gaga rapist pig

2 days ago my veterans compensation was directly to posited into my bank account I already had more than $10,000 in the account at the time of the deposit. Lady Gaga is playing her same stupid games and her hand is on my body at all times because she's a pig and she is a he. this is all the exact same s*** that Lady Gaga Andrea Sanna Salazar Wurm, Kate Moriarty, Thomas Wurm, Rory Vance, Michelle Vance, and many other dirty cops and FBI agents including Jamie Harris. these are all the same games they played in Michigan when they were starving me to death now I have no way of eating I have no way of staying anywhere and I'll be laying on a sidewalk because these stupid b****** just got to town they're staying at the Hyatt Place and they're playing games with my bank account once again Andreas is very sick individual and she needs a bullet right between her eyes. Lady Gaga is a rapist I don't care what she's telling the entire world about being an advocate for rape victims that woman is a disgusting Pig that constantly has her hand on other people's bodies violating them sexually assaulting them that's stupid fat ugly white dog seems to think that he's getting away with all of this continuously messing with my bank account. that disgusting white dog is also a rapist and right now Thomas worm thinks that he is good at Mountain Mind Tricks telling me over and over again that the card will work well if you took all the money out of my bank account then obviously the card won't work now will it you stupid piece of s***

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