It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Debbie nasty dreams

last night with the help of Chris Debbie is telling me all about what's going to happen to me and the fact that I'm going to be sleeping on the streets again burying myself and leaves trying to stay warm. she's announcing to me that I am going back to jail and all of those people at jail are going to steal everything that I have then she switched is to I'm going to a homeless shelter the Salvation Army I will be bullied while I'm there everybody will be screaming at me every single individual will be bullying me telling me how awful I am and they will take everything I own. she is announcing that there's some necklace that will be broken into pieces. it's my rosary and the individual that is attached to the rosary is not a fan of Debbie the fat disgusting Pig Latino. I think all of you better start waking up to the Latinos and the problem that they cause here in our country there are huge problems. I have a long list of Latinos that are evil and mean they don't have a heart they don't have a beating pulse. now let's talk about the representative that took his time in Congress to speak in front of the entire nation crying yelling and screaming that he didn't want his parents to be forced to learn English I'll go and look up his name in a moment he is a giant problem he needs to go away he needs to leave me alone I better get my bank account back and we better call him out for all of his crimes manipulating Congress and manipulating the judicial system we better call him out for all of his crimes putting his dirty evil spies on the police forces here in Minnesota and I will now do the work of calling out every one of them and make all of you informed of the treason and Espionage they are guilty of it's time to clean up this mess Haley the cat has made a giant mess and the prisons will be full

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