It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Tall bald guy says he's Scott Baker

Chris the idiot that was at Menards is in my phone manipulating the brightness stupid enough to think that I'm going to actually listen to his guidance and listen to him stifle everything I say Chris is a huge problem he needs his ass kicked you want to put an eye patch on good you put an eye patch on and let me watch the spies laugh at you as you walk past them you're going to be laughing out of the other side of your f****** faces you stupid pieces of s*** the tall bald guy and His short fat Latina wife the one that showed up at the jail telling me that his name is Scott Baker and I'm having a hard time believing it . apparently the moron doesn't know enough about the law he stepped in and told me that he's only going to take care of this one thing get me out of the jail so they can put me on the streets and cause my death my torture and rape. that's not how it works dummy if you're going to defend me on one piece of my case then you just took on my case and you will be defending me on every aspect of it. you can't fire yourself you can't walk in and do one thing and if you were an actual attorney you would know this simple fact but you're an idiot and your wife is out of control and we're going to take care of this problem. Chris who calls himself Christopher deck is now creating warrants for my arrest he is claiming harassment to be perfectly honest I don't even know what he looks like I don't know which one is his woman or which four cats that he's f****** I don't even know I don't even care I checked into this hotel and he came here and he's in the Next Room that's not me harassing him that's him harassing me but yet he gets away was putting me in jail for 5 months claiming harassment and I don't even know him. I have to listen to his ugly mouth constantly I have to receive messages in my phone constantly from some fat disgusting pig named Chris. I have to walk down the street and be accosted and stopped by a red burgundy pickup truck with some guy named Chris in the passenger seat or maybe it was Scott Baker or maybe it's somebody else all together I don't really care but that is the moron the red burgundy pickup truck the plates are posted on this Blog the plates are in my emails the plates are printed and being put in the envelopes immediately then I'm going to get a police report because I am not guilty of harassment it's you you fat bald ugly ugly piece of s*** you useless excuse for life. it's you that's following me around it's you using a bus pass to find out where I am accessing the systems of the transit system. it's you that went into the library systems of every single library in Minnesota in the area and removed the Snipping tool you have access to all of the systems in all the libraries most especially Prior Lake. it's that moron that's getting a warrant for my arrest right now telling me that I'm going back to jail and from jail I'll be homeless again because Kamala Harris thinks that it's a good idea just to continue to repeat the same torture it's not working she keeps failing and the stupid b**** keeps telling these idiots to do it again. it's the definition of insanity Kamala Harris you do the same thing over and over again expecting different results too stupid to see it's not working so you better use your brain use your imagination think of something new dumbass

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