It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Olmos Park Police Officer

Olmos park police thinking this is some sort of fun game at my expense he was passing me over and over again making jokes that i should hurry and take his picture. My body is in pain I have gone days without food i need to bathe it’s not a joke it’s not funny and I live how these arrogant cops think there is no repercussion for crimes they commit.

He was being sarcastic and ridiculing he would drive past me over and over again yelling from his window quick get the picture, take the picture. Are you in high school? What the hell do you think you are doing you piece of shit? People this person man child did this over a week he just kept driving pass over and over again no exaggeration. He was excited to do favors for the Mayor of San Antonio and Hillary Clinton. He has a job to do right that the tax payers are paying him to do? Who is doing his job while he is breaking the law stalking and harassing me terrorizing me? I tried to have a light heart about it I tried to laugh I tried to lie to myself and tell myself he was cooperating with an investigation, but try to just have an ounce of empathy and apathy I miss my babies I am fighting to be with them I am fighting to save them from abuse I need the help of people like this yahoo to do that and he only has the ability to act like a high school child driving by laughing and being sarcastic about me taking pictures. I am on the streets being tortured I am being starved because my enemies are wishing for my death. There is nothing funny about my situation this officer is nothing more than sick. He thinks it is funny that my babies are living with a killer and I don't even know where they are. Because of people like him I can not even take care of myself and get off the streets SICK FREAK. I still am trying to calm my upset and lie to myself saying he was just cooperating with the investigation. Here's the rub; if he was cooperating with the investigation and he knew my real story would he be laughing? If he knew what was really going on would he drive by yelling "Get the picture, don't miss the picture?" I don't think so if he knew how many times I nearly died and how many times I have been assaulted would he still laugh and say stupid statements? If he would knowing the truth then we don't need sick people like him carrying a badge and a loaded weapon. 

On this day I had not eaten in many days and I was walking many many miles being bait he could have flipped me some many to eat but he is a sociopath a monster helping to cause my death and my emotional break he is helping to keep my babies trapped in abuse being brain washed and mentally and emotionally tortured. Your a very sick officer to help cause this living hell for three small children I pray for justice I pray I never have to lay eyes on you again your a very disturbed soul. 

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