It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


  1. This is the city’s resources that has a paper sign it’s handwritten. I took pictures of this about 10 days ago and it was all lined up and all these people were all over the sidewalk then as well as now. I stopped and asked somebody is that new he looked at me and said I don’t know English. He probably doesn’t because I just found out that these people are the illegal immigrants that were being held at the border. I was also told that it’s Catholic Charities that is doing this even though the sign says City resources. Allow me to remind you that I have been watching all over the city showing you pictures of the homeless that don’t get any resources whatsoever they don’t get fed. Allow me to remind you that the employees of Catholic Charities were attacking me to help dirty politicians threatening me. And December and January they refuse to help me with a sack lunch because they were told not to help me but they can go ahead and help people that are illegally here from other countries. The security guard that I had talked to told me that it was all privately funded apparently that’s what they have made him believe Catholic Charities is funded by our government the taxpayers pay for that. This is the work of Hillary Clinton in the Castro Brothers Beto O'Rourke as well.
    See the little boy in the picture see the two men sitting there here’s the most disturbing part of this. That little boy was sent at me he was speaking I don’t know what language because if it had been Spanish I would have understood it. In a nutshell what he was telling me was I was not allowed to take pictures. First of all welcome to America we are most certainly allowed to take pictures and it’s too bad if you don’t like it. Apparently they come into our country and they act like they own it and they’re going to tell us what we can and can’t do they are literally going to get in our face and tell us we can’t take pictures of them do you think you were a secret while you’re filling up the sidewalks and nobody can walk through? That’s not a secret. Now stop and consider how disturbing it is that they sent their little boy at me they don’t know who I am I’m a stranger and I could be dangerous they use their child as a tool a weapon to intimidate me to keep me from taking pictures. What kind of a parent sends their child at a stranger telling them they are not allowed to take pictures? That’s not a good parent has anybody heard of stranger danger that’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.
    They’re all sitting around with plates of food I was walking through wondering if I could have some food too as we all know the Castro brother is in every city official here in the lovely Hillary Clinton has been trying to starve me to death for the last 3 years but when people come in from out of the country they get three Square meals a day. Let me remind you that my veterans benefits have been taking away. When I go to Human Services educate assistance I get people hacking into the computer systems and rude employees who are not only rude to my face but then getting in their vehicles following me all over the city that’s what I get from Human Services. If only I were from another country then maybe I would get three Square meals a day maybe I would get food stamps and housing. Everybody’s seen you taking pictures of abandoned buildings and homeless that are living on the streets that have no resources because the city can’t take care of them and they also can’t take care of the buildings that are crumbling into the ground that are part of the history but they can’t take care of hundreds of people from another country isn’t that great

  2. The employee’s facade International welcome coalition. It was the security guard at the Greyhound bus station that informed me that it was Catholic Charities. I don’t know if anybody read the story about when I visited Catholic Charities approximately 6 weeks ago I needed glasses I also needed clothing. They were called in advanced as I was walking 12 miles to get there they were told not to help me and that’s exactly what they did they did not help. It was an older couple they’re donating a huge amount of clothing shoes bedding and household items they overheard the Catholic Charities employee tell me that she wasn’t going to help me. The older woman said why aren’t you helping her why am I standing here donating to you if you’re not actually helping people that need help. That’s right folks they pick and choose who they’re going to help based on politics based on nationality and religion. All of us homeless are walking around San Antonio looking for food watching as these illegal aliens are being fed three meals a day. All of us are looking where the heck we’re going to get our next meal washing them with plates of food in their hand wondering why we are not getting handouts the way they are.

  3. The sidewalk is impeded you can’t walk through this area. They have filled the sidewalk and now the road is filled as well the 60 additional illegal immigrants have showed up and the van is parked in the middle of the street. You can see the picture where all of them are literally stretched out into the road where people drive. They have their new clothing their new backpacks and they’re well-fed so are they going to sleep on the sidewalk? And once again they’re angry they don’t want pictures being taken they’ve come into our country and now they’re going to tell us what we can or can’t do that’s not gratitude people

  1. Yesterday when I was taking pictures of them I saw them with brand new cell phones they were getting on the scooters and riding around with their children I don’t get to ride around on a scooter because somebody hacked into my bank account took everything away from me the chief of police Joaquin Castro Julian Castro but these immigrants are coming in here and getting three Square meals a day from Catholic Charities the getting brand new backpacks brand new clothing and they’re getting a check but the homeless that are out here on the street and need assistance are getting any of that we don’t get food from Catholic Charities we don’t get clothing from Catholic Charities Catholic Charities tell us they don’t have enough and they turn us away but they’re not doing that for the people that don’t even live in this country that aren’t from this country and have not been brought into this country legally these people haven’t even passed the background checks these are criminals this is scary.
    Think about the mentality level of using your children’s tools to get into a country I’ve just been informed that these families that everybody’s crying about there being ripped apart don’t even have matching DNA and aren’t actually families at all

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