It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

State Police Officer Matthew 8:28 hand tattoo

  1. Matthew 8:28 hand tattoo

    Not only do you fit the body type that is very negative and insecure that I just pointed out. While you were in Starbucks waiting to get access to my phone waiting for me to charge it up and start talking to it. You were hyper your attention nervousness you jump from one table to another. The older man that was sitting next to me who’s been there for two straight days I’m going to go ahead and take a stab in the dark he’s with you. Because he has a full beard I wouldn’t think him to be any law enforcement officer but perhaps he generally Works Undercover. So Matthew 8:28 now that you have access to my phone and you’re reading everything do you feel bad? It’s obvious you’re nervous and you’re scared of the consequences that you’re facing and the authority that is watching you but do you feel bad? Are you capable of remorse are you capable of guilt do you have any human qualities whatsoever? That’s what I’m asking you did you open the Bible and ask the Lord for forgiveness where did you tell yourself that everything you did was okay? Nothing you’ve done is okay it’s Unforgivable it’s sickening. you have state Keepers tattooed on your arm and you are nothing more than an embarrassment to this state. You’ve destroyed Texas everything you’ve done will go into the history books Texas will be known for being corrupt and Criminal for being a very scary place. Let me explain to you what you’ve done to your Latino brothers and sisters you’ve changed their name in the reputation for generations to come because of the crimes that you have committed it will reflect on the Latino community.

Following me all over the city on duty and off duty 

That evening after I had to contend with the psycho state police officer with state keeper tattooed on both arms I went to Fed-ex 
and this man was waiting for me killing time until he was good and ready to attack

  1. I don’t know his name and to be perfectly honest I don’t know what kind of law enforcement officer he is. What I can tell you is I was at the corner Burr and Broadway for several hours as drones collected footage of minions and planes stalking and harassing this many was in the Fed-EX the entire time on the computers. What he was doing on those computers I do not know but who does know is the investigating agents were watching you closely. Apparently after I got his picture and became aware that he was on those computers they decided to take action to clear the data they sent this drug addict him gave her a block of instruction what to do on the computer. She was so strung out on drugs I am absolutely shocked and amazed she was able to operate this computer whatsoever. She couldn’t stop moving her jaw chicken stop moving her hands her entire body was twitching look at how they use people. These Law Enforcement Officers should be helping her with her injection helping her to recover but what they’re doing is helping to keep her addicted and using her. They are very sick and it makes me sick to my stomach to see them continue to be a part of law enforcement abusing the system. Yes there is a serious problem with police brutality and it’s because sociopaths like this I’ve become a part of our law enforcement agencies. These people in danger all of the innocent people of this country. They have no moral compass and they have no fear of God. To tell you the truth when I saw the Bible I thought he was decoding some sort of message as to who he was going to kill next because there is no sign that this large obese sociopath has any respect or fear of God. He most certainly doesn’t have any respect for our constitution and our great country
  1. This entire weekend has been quite eventful for Friday night I had a very large muscular strawberry blind man following me as I walk past the Regency he came out he thought he was being clever by passing me crossing the road and then standing and waiting for me to walk past I knew exactly where you were I knew you were watching me you’re not that clever my dear. I’m a soya Street he stood across from the basement bar as I passed you grabbed his phone and started sending out text messages took pictures. I ran from that location hoping I could avoid some of the chaos that he was about to send me. I only avoided it for a short time before Park police showed up stalking and harassing and terrorizing me. It’s not the first time I’ve had to contend with Park Police they are the worst of all the law enforcement agencies. Now I realize they are in League with the state troopers who are dirty. And obviously they feel empowered and feel that the state troopers are going to keep them from going to prison I know you’re all going together as one big happy family so you go ahead and keep doing your evil bidding living in your fantasy world thinking that you’re going to get away with all your crimes
    I noticed something the good moral state troopers who are investigating their own dirty state troopers have a certain body type. They’re physically fit they’re well put together they hold themselves High and confident. Those dirty state troopers are all overweight their clothes are disarrayed and they hang their head they look down their shoulders are low. I personally think this is a significance it says a lot. It also created confusion for me. Those Troopers who hold themselves High with confidence and pride I thought they were agents. No they’re just really good cops who actually have a fear of God and a moral compass that Points North.

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