It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


  1. Here’s a perfect example of how stupid the city officials are for you I was taking a walk the day that I was released from jail. I needed the exercise being that they don’t allow anybody to exercise you were confined to a bunk and you do not move. You can’t reform people like that there’s nothing healthy about that if you’re going to reform them then you have to promote health.
    As I walk through Terrell Hills police officers started going crazy. I was being chased stopped and harassed one of the police officers actually confronted me to ask me where I was going and why I was walking through that neighborhood. I told him no I don’t know anybody in that neighborhood I was just trying to take a shortcut to get to Walmart. Hindsight’s 20/20 now I realize why he asked me that. There was somebody in that neighborhood my enemy one of my biggest enemies. I had no clue it was an act of God the law of attraction. I walked past Joaquin Castro’s house. I had no clue that he lived there I had no clue where he live nor did I care. And I would not have known that I walk past his house had he not gone crazy sending all of these different police officers at me sending one of them to actually talk to me to find out if I knew whose house I was walking past. Nope I didn’t have a clue I know now not real smart now I know where your house is but I wouldn’t know I do not done all those stupid things.
    The chief of police did the exact same thing they thought that they could use it against me claiming that I was stalking them walking past their house. I walk all over this city I’m completely clueless who lives in those houses until of course your behavior turns to erratic and you sent police officers stalking and harassing me when you send those criminals to terrorize me simply because I’m walking past your house. Had you kept your mouth shut and not done anything I wouldn’t have known I was walking past your house that’s how stupid you are thanks for pointing it out thanks for making it known not real smart is it. Just think if you really did make me lose my mind now I know where your house is.
    Several years ago Chief McManus was trying to spread a rumor that I was stalking and harassing a police officer on the force. I was driving around a neighborhood that it was in my children’s School District I was looking for homes that were for sale and for rent. Unbenounced to me I was driving past that police officers house once again I had no clue I was anywhere near his house I didn’t know where you lived why would I care? Chief McManus saw it as an opportunity. He contacted the police officers at Prue Rd. substation. He told those police officers that I was driving past a police officers home because I had a crush on him. Those police officers started to stalk and contrast mytaxi as I drove around looking for rentals. The stalking was so intense I became upset and I went to the Prue Road substation to file a complaint about their erratic Behavior. To make a long story short that complaint didn’t go anywhere and a couple hours after all this incident and attempting to talk to the police officers at the substation I found out that I was driving past that officers home. Once again I had no clue I would not have even known he lived in that neighborhood at all had they not acted so stupidly sending police officers next to stalk and harass me and Chase me all over the neighborhood laughing pointing at me acting stupid. Yes I may have a crush on a police officer but I most certainly am not going to drive past his home how stupid is that that’s exactly what we came Castro and chief McManus do to people what a perfect example of stupid I am not that person. It’s you people who are insane and you are trying to project your Insanity on to me to make your crimes go away. There is no way for you to make these crimes go away because it is a mountain and you’re going to prison so you might as well accept your fate you’re just making things much worse for yourself

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