It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hillary and Julian Castro write the letter

This was a collaboration between Hillary Clinton and the Castro Brothers. They also kept this and several conspiracy groups going with fairy tales about the Trump family. 
They started these on Chan-4 and Chan-8. The reason I know it was them for one of many reason is Joaquin Castro was trolling my now deleted Instagram and he announced it. Joaquin style of writing stands out and he doesn’t adjust it when he moves from his pseudos to his actually identity. Pseudos that are built to attack people like me in the hopes to create an emotional upset and in my case he was hoping to cause suicidal tendencies with me gone the entire band of demons get away with years of crimes. 
Anyway Joaquin Castro has learned to make his vocabulary extend pass his actual intellect indicating an enormous insecurity of his actual IQ. If only you all could hear this man talk to his criminals that do his evil bidding. Ghetto trash. Oh there are recordings you will hear he is Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He announced on my Instagram that the QAnon and others like it were his creation and obviously he does nothing without his brother and Hillary helping. 
I wish I had saved copies of all the non-sense from Joaquin so it could be compared to the OP-ED who will be able to see clearly where he put his two sense in when writing this turbulent, petty and trite letter. 
The truth always comes out in the end and we will all see how each of these monsters contributed to the highly upsetting OP-ED.
Joaquin attempted start another conspiracy on the Chan-4 and Chan-8 that I am insane. I am pretty sure it flopped because after all people who left scratching their heads “Who is Dawn Neering and why do we care if she is insane?”. As I have said Joaquin developed that expansive vocabulary to hide how not very smart he is.  

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