It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


  1. I was given this Reef to put on my head she claimed that she wanted me to do marketing for her. She wanted me to tell everybody where I got it and that it was very cheap so that she could increase her Revenue. That’s the story she gave me but what she was really doing was giving me something to be identified with it was a Target on my head so that I could die. These people think that they’re Invincible they have absolutely no moral compass they are literally trying to help dirty politicians to in my life. It makes them feel special and empowered because they are helping dirty politicians to kill an innocent woman a mother fighting for her children fighting to keep herself alive
    As you can imagine I am very angry considering how close I became to death considering how close I got to a cardiac arrest. Being out here and being tortured just for the greater good so we can clean a house and drain the swamp that’s a lot to ask of a person to be away from her children for five years so that you can drain the swamp that’s a lot to ask when you endanger my life and you seem to think that it doesn’t matter are you allowed these killers to hunt me in the middle of the night with loaded weapons hives and you’re not there for me you’re not helping me. You allow me to be poisoned to the point where I nearly suffered cardiac tamponade showing improving to the entire world that I am expendable because of your investigation. Sending me messages telling me I don’t mean to prostitute you out but that’s exactly what you’re doing. I’ve been doing a continuously over and over again for years and I don’t seem to be making any Headway other than they’re pulling more criminals into this game and they will continue to do so because they watched you continue your investigation if they keep committing crimes than the Mueller probe won’t be wrapped up it won’t be concluded it won’t stop and neither the torture that I’m subjected to. At some point in time I would like to see Robert Mueller and James Comey prove that they actually have a beating heart and a moral compass how much torture is it that I have to go through how much abuse do my children have to endure so that you can drain the swamp and bring these government officials to Justice

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