It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Landa Gardens Library Manager

After speaking with library staff i began to type in the events mentioning professionalism. The branch manager was standing a few feet away receiving a text she came back. I was told I shouldn’t stay here at night. My gut says all this is Joaquin Castro it’s hard to have me shot on this property and he and his demons need me out there walking around at night. Chief McManus sent the same dirty cops in here after midnight. I have said before a hundred times and I will say it again there are no posted hours of operation. People walk through here all night long walking dogs and jogging. There is nothing written anywhere people can not be here at any particular hour. Joaquin and the dirty city officials need me walking the side walks if they are going to be able to end me and save themselves from the death penalty. In an act of desperation he is once again manipulating city employees.
Every time that the stalkers and planes stop is because they something devious planned to end this in their favor. Last night they had their demonic officer who already made several attempts on my life chasing me down. This officer should locked up and he should not have a badge and gun. You are being watched so goo right and keep up with your crap.
The library manager wanted to know my story and you can bet that is do to receiving calls and texts from an unstable congressman. She used the rehearsed line it is for your safety. This is the rhetoric of my ex husband and Joaquin Castro they say this lie when they are trying to manipulate people and they want it to appear as though they Care. It’s a lie and fake as the day is long and most people are able to see the falseness. The moron just keeps going thinking he is going to get away with years of crimes by ending my life. His killer puppets have told him it is too difficult to get it done on this property so now he is working hard to get me off the property to make it easier for officer Doiser and officer Flores to end me. If you succeed and get off here I will simply hide like I did last night. You really don’t have any sense Joaquin it is disgusting. Doiser had been in the bushes in the Gardens night after night and more than once I could sense he was trying to work up the courage to end me. He was mostly trying to scare me he is stupid enough to believe he can cause a nervous break down. You do not have that kind of power me because your existence does not matter to me. 

Two Library employees approached me and told me they don’t allow sleeping on the grounds. I was not sleeping when she approached me and she said openly that she has never seen me before. So I am not sleeping and you have never seen me before.
So basically the Castro Brothers are setting me up to be removed from the property for actually doing something wrong since I had to point out to them people have to be informed formally. That is what they are doing.
The Branch manager received an email two days ago telling her someone is on the bench. 
There is a lot more to this story it is long but so very interesting the Mayor made the call and Chief and they are not very good at giving instruction at all they told the branch manager to approach me and talk about sleeping perhaps you should have gave her the detail that she should only have this conversation if I was actually sleeping. I was sitting there reading a book you can imagine how strange it was two have these two women ganging up on me talking about sleep the manager said that she had never seen me before this was the first time she had seen me. I had been on the property for more than two weeks at that time and I think I stayed there a little more than three weeks and a lot happened. So anyway she had never seen me before and she is talking to me about sleeping like a programmable drone just because some city official told her to. If she would have thought it through the instruction instead of blindly following the instruction of a sociopath she may have been able to see how foolish all this was making her look. She is highly unprofessional and she doesn't understand the concept of stalking and harassing. I am sitting on a bench reading a book and you are approaching me having a strange conversation about sleeping on the property, ok freak. Then the woman started talking to me about being homeless. WHAT? The gardens are built to have people from the city come and enjoy them walk around, sit and read, use the play ground, have a picnic, ect... are you telling me that the Library Branch manager is approaching people accusing them of being homeless. You just announced that you have never seen me before and you lied and said you don't know who I am. One is left wondering what the habits of the Branch Manager is, is she approaching random people and asking them if they are homeless that is rude and you have suspicious behavior people should feel offended. 
The truth is that she was told that I am homeless and she is the worst actress the world has ever seen. She was instructed to send me to haven for hope. They were collecting up homeless criminals that were willing to take my life and they now just had to get me there. They burned their own selves with the Haven for Hope those people have rejected me and treated me like crap on three different occasions as per instructed to do by the Mayor and the Chief, HOPE? please nasty people fraudulently sucking money in from the government. Nope not going they WILL NOT give me services the enemies just want me to die. 
So more happened with the manager she walked away and I started to announce to my phone her lack of professionalism and her off and suspicious & odd behavior and she then came to me to correct all her offensive words. TOO LATE YOU DECIDED TO HELP THE MAYOR and it is coming back to bite you. 

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