It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ted Cruz and his idiots

In 2020 and 2021 senator Ted Cruz shut down the DMV when I was going to get my new driver's license he decided that I wasn't allowed to have a driver's license I wasn't allowed to have an identification for the entire state of Texas the DMV was shut down which they call public safety department there's some crap. So while it was shut down they added to my file that they had sent me a driver's license and it was returned to sender that wasn't true it was a lie that was added the same exact tactic as being used here in New York and they shut down the HRA then they decided to change the system to say that I only received $58.41 in cash benefits when I actually received about 450 in cash benefits he decided he could just change the systems it's the exact same thing you did in San Antonio Texas changing my file changing the information that was inputted in the DMV claiming that they had sent me a driver's license and it was returned to sender which is a lie they never sent the driver's license because he decided I wasn't allowed to have a new driver's license. so now he's playing games with New York health and human services department and he decided he could change the amount of cash benefits that I received that he took and his people that he pays to attack me. Andrea that showed up at a county park in LaPorte county Indiana disclose that she had a government credit card that Ted Cruz gave her she was supposed to buy me a Greyhound bus ticket to New York and lied and said that her government credit card was not accepted by the website where she was buying the Greyhound bus ticket and refused to buy it it was a wave high and low oh I'll get excited and happy they're buying me a bus ticket and then at the last minute she pulls out the rug and says oh I can't buy it for you playing stupid games. These are the stupid games that Ted Cruz thinks are effective have somebody walk up to me and tell me that they're going to buy me a new pair of shoes or that they have clothing they're going to give me and a week later there's no shoes there's no clothing this is what he thinks is a good way to create an emotional breakdown he's got idiots running around acting stupid. He knows full well that congressman Castro should be removed from Congress exactly the way Santos was removed and walked out of Congress he has all the evidence of the crimes of both Castro Brothers. And he could put on an investigation and actually put those people to work that he's paying doing something right doing something good doing something according to the law but instead of doing that Ted Cruz decided that he's going to deliver attacks I know homeless mother fighting for her life fighting for humanity because he doesn't want anybody fighting for humanity and making sure that our Lord keeps his promises. this hassle is all about pain and suffering and rape you know I get control of women with rape you don't get control of women you piss women off they become full of rage and just staying and then they start to act out towards you and against you and that's exactly what's going to happen to you and since you don't want to do what you're should do what you're supposed to do as a senator and have Castro walked out of Congress maybe it's you that needs to be walked out you're holding dirt over every GOP members ahead I told them to get rid of the dirt they got rid of p Diddy. And your next Ted Cruz you're next all that dirt you're holding over to GOP members heads you're about to be slammed with it you're about to be indicted and all that dirt you have holding it over their heads telling them that they can't do anything about your crime it's about to disappear it's not going to be any more good when it's all comes into the light when it is brought out into the open. It'll no longer be dirt that you can use because everybody will then know about it they're going to get rid of the dirt ....Ted

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