It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, August 16, 2024

Walking away from Brooklyn

as I was walking away from Brooklyn to get to the courthouse so I can get the documents to petition the court proceed and sue people like Alyssa Milano for accessing my phone's calling my bank account taking all of my money repetitively over and over again I heard some stupid bald ugly police officer that's working in Brooklyn say she needs to stay in Brooklyn because I'm going to pick her up I just wrote my own warrant for her arrest and she better not be thinking that she's going to a police department to get a police report as she was instructed to do because I wrote a warrant for her arrest and when she asked them to write a police report about her stolen EBT funds they're going to arrest her. the tall bald ugly sapd officer you put in Brooklyn with the coke bottle glasses said that he was going to come to the area to pick me up arrest me that's not even his jurisdiction

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