It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, August 9, 2024

San Antonio Texas Police department games

bbecause Elvis Presley thinks that he's smart and thinks he's funny they played games with the police department in San Antonio Texas stupid as s*** I've ever seen in my life. eeverybody I'm bike patrol downtown San Antonio had committed crimes against me I was finally complaints going to internal affairs filing ethics complaints with the city. I was jumping through all the hoops using the system the way that it was made to be used. not one single police officer was brought to justice for the crimes they committed against me because you morons want to listen to Elvis Presley. so they decided they were going to play games with my reality and continue to gaslight me they transferred every police officer from downtown San Antonio all over the city to different police departments then they sent me downtown San Antonio telling me that none of those police officers are on the force anymore they're not downtown you don't see those police officers they must have been brought to Justice they must have lost their job. bbecause they had played this game so many times because they had played this game so many times before I was acclimated to it I knew that I had to double check before I listed it on my blog and before I sent emails. all it took was getting on a bus and traveling all over San Antonio finding every single police officer that. had committed a crime against me they transferred them across the city to other police departments now I want you to think about how much went into transferring all these police officers it was against their will they didn't want to be transferred and their daily routine changed completely think about the cost of gas think about whether or not they had children they had to take to daycare before they went to work. think about some of them that go and pick up their children from school or meet their children at home after school now they've been transferred their routine changes they're late to pick up their child they have to fight traffic to get across town. many of them were on a waiting list just so they could work bike patrol and now they're being yanked off like patrol to convince one woman that they no longer work on the department so she will list that they have been fired and Justice was finally served. many of these police officers that did this were following orders many of them were not themselves when they did it. they were out of sorts when they were committing these crimes when somebody decided it was okay for them to slam me up against a brick wall they weren't themselves isn't that right Elvis? it was all about ruining my credibility and having me list things on my blog and list things in emails that were not valid and we're not true I had fallen for it too many times to continue that bad habit. so the new police officers that were brought downtown had to go through training they didn't know the area and they weren't accustomed to being on a bike this disrupted their routine and affected the morale and their ability to perform as a police officer.. think about how hideous this is to create confusion for one woman. you disrupted the entire police force this is just one of many things they did with the police force to create that confusion that they were never able to obtain we're never able to create.

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