It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Mayor Eric Adams

llet me attempt to explain to you what happens to prisoners in prison. these individuals are literally tortured they're taken to solitary confinement and other areas of the prison so it's not done in front of all prisoners they are tortured. and they are trying to produce killers that kill without a conscience that's why we are tortured in this manner. let's reflect on the movie Mel Gibson did conspiracy theory and how those particular assassins have been tortured to make an assassin to make an effective assassin that kills without thinking about it kills without conscience they are made in prisons that's where they're tortured this program never stopped like you all think that they ended that program. the CIA and the government all these little experiments that they do and now they're doing it with prisoners I know a couple of survivors. so these survivors after surviving prison in the extreme torture will go into a translate State and they will stand there staring off into the distance they guard their hands they can't have anybody touching their hands but I don't know what it is. and then they react to the notification in the phones in it if a phone is sending off notifications they become tense anxious and they react to the notification in the phones because when they were in prison and they were being beat on and they were being tortured the guards the officers were waiting for a notification to begin the torture and then the cameras were on them while they were torturing and beating on the prisoner so the prisoner now reacts to the notifications in the phone knowing that there's another beating about to come and they're trying to survive everything that was done to them in the prison because of the solitary confinement because they're trying to make cold-blooded Killers because they're doing little stupid experiments. this isn't reform they're making the criminal worse than they ever were to begin with and then the CIA those that they are successful with with the torture and the beatings and creating these killers the CIA will pull them out and use them. see when people are tortured certain abilities and god-given gifts are brought out it's fight or flight mechanism and when they fight certain attributes that they might possess and they don't know they possess these certain attributes are unlocked. when these certain attributes are unlocked they become useful to the CIA useful to the government. unfortunately the only way to unlock these attributes and explore the abilities of that prisoner is torture and beatings. so this is why the mare vetoeded this and this is why the mayor is keeping it going it's starting to look like he wouldn't be there if it wasn't for the CIA. he has to do with the CIA says and he has to make sure that these beatings in prison continue nothing legal about it nothing moral about it has no moral compass vetoing this after everybody voted on this he decided he's going to stop it and he's going to be the lone Wolf to keep the beatings going in prison. there's an old guardians movie and I believe that it was produced in the Ukraine or Russia and it describes what I'm talking about when they go through training and that they are guardians they are soldiers and they're supposed to be super soldiers it's in the movie. that's what they're driving for that's what they're looking for that's why they do it. of course there's many doctors that work for the CIA that are looking for the reaction and trying to gauge what it takes to create nervous breakdown and emotional breakdown to make someone go insane. they're also poisonous there's a lot of poison that's put in the food in prisons and that is a part of their experiments to see what drugs can activate the paranoid what drugs it takes to create a submissive. so these are the experiments that the mayor is trying to protect these are the experiments that he is clearly directly involved in. that's why he did this I think it's sick and we should do something about this man

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