It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Mayor Eric Adams

----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Dawn Marshall To: Dawn Neering ; ; ; PREA OMBUDSMAN ; Police ; Police Dept ; Policechief ; lady gaga people ; Aldrich Law Firm PLLC ; Eagan Police ; ; ; Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 10:27:00 PM EDT Subject: Mary Eric Adams his games and my torture Talk about doing favors for all the wrong people mayor Eric Adams is doing favors for all the wrong people all the wrong women. He decided he was going to play games with tobacco sales I have all the invoices from all the stores in New York or many stores in New York they're paying the exact same price for tobacco but they are up charging it that's not legal it's called price gouging. It's a felony and there Eric Adams is guilty of that felony. He told all of the stores that they had to change their prices and it went from a dollar to $9 that's a 800% markup 900% markup does not legal people. Those vendors and the store clerks are telling us that it came down from the city the city said that they had to do it and that they had to raise their prices. All of them were writing handwriting the prices out on a piece of cardboard and sticking it on their shelves by the cigarettes and cigars. Because it was a last minute decision that happened last year when I got to New York and it rained on me for 7 Days hard rain now you're having earthquakes and you're wondering why go ahead have it rain for 7 days straight flooding the city and then wonder why there's earthquakes you dumb piece of crap. So now the idiots playing games with the health and human services that HRA is sending a woman in there screaming and yelling that you need a birth certificate and social security card and you won't get any benefits if you don't have it even though the website has a list of things that you can turn in and lieu of the social security card and the birth certificate oh who cares about that just make sure you attack me so I don't get any services because some dumb diva is stomping her foot saying she doesn't want me to have services and then the mayor goes overboard making sure I don't have service making sure I'm laying on a sidewalk and those city employees that are supposed to be providing community service and helping the homeless tell me that I haven't been in the city long enough to receive any services I don't get shelter like everybody else because the mayor wants to do favors for the wrong diva
I'm going through a mountain of s*** in New York City the fact that you used to be a police officer that sends a clear-cut message as to why I'm going through all of this struggle and all these crimes in New York.

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