It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thomas Boyle or Itty Bitty Titties

we've had to listen to Thomas Boyle's idiot mouth the entire time here we are talking about the fact that this man killed two FBI agents and his excuse is they were going to kill me so I had to kill them the man is getting away with the crimes and he's too stupid to shut his mouth and he's too stupid to stop committing the crimes he's a rapist Pig and apparently he's a f**** too he sure does have an obsession with anal sphincter as I stay at the Burnsville Inn the moron is in the Next Room. he came into my room with the cameras filming everything he was doing now the moron is trying to instruct me to go get coffee asking if I packed up my camera he's stupid enough to think he's coming in here and taking everything. the pictures of the individuals that are staying at the most expensive hotels in downtown Minneapolis are those idiots that support Thomas Boyle and his moronic wife Andrea. that's the woman that collects up rapist telling them to rape me that's the woman that instructs her husband to rape me we've had to listen to his mouth his bigot mouth talking about black people and how awful black people are we've had to listen to his idiot mouth making comments about my body and it's appearance because that's how much of an idiot he is Andrea obviously has no love of self no self-esteem if she's with a moron like this and the CIA is in deep s*** you should have fired that thing a long time ago why are our tax dollars paying for his crimes why are tax dollars paying for rooms for him to stay in and his travel expenses? why does he continue to commit these crimes and get away with it. he rented a vehicle to come over here our tax dollars paid for it he's in a rental right now too stupid to shut his mouth in front of all these Witnesses asking about cameras what a moron. this moron doesn't stop his crimes and those nikitas that work directly with this piece of crap are watching is Florida is underwater yet again too stupid to stop their s*** you better give back my bank account boil and Andrea that Jessica wants go better go back to prison where she belongs and Susan you can shut up about the cigarettes and get yourself a patch you stupid b**** all of them are CIA and you wonder why I tell you that I'm going to shut down the CIA you're done

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