It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, November 4, 2022

Joe Garza of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign

Joe Garza and his girlfriend/wife are helping following me across the country and are currently registered at the Quality Inn you can bet they were at Motel 6 and it is likely that they were also at the Hyatt Place. she's the one who keeps working at all these hotels as a housekeeper going in my room and stealing things she has a s*** eating grin on her face every time she does it and now you're going to be smiling on the other side of your face. Joe Garza is currently here he walked past me I got pictures of all the plates in the parking lot obviously there's more work to be done. he is clearly a rapist he's also a woman beater he literally assaulted his wife right in front of my face forcing her to cooperate with this attack on me she didn't want to participate she didn't want to raise her hand and wave at me and act like an idiot as they drove past me over and over again. I think the physical attack that I experienced last night and currently is Joe Garza there's no reason for me to think anything else his name was used in all of my court papers they were pointing out that he was involved there's a car in the parking lot that is Chuck full of personal possessions making it look like they are living out of their vehicle and if they're traveling across the country following me then they certainly are living out of their vehicle. this man has been involved in the attack on me since 2010 please go to the San Antonio fatherhood campaign Facebook page look at some of the oldest posts that they have there's a picture of four men one of them is Joe Garza Greg Marshall Frank Castro Jr and someone named Caesar all of these men are currently attacking me they are currently involved you will find their IP addresses and all my phones and my laptops and they are the reason that I experience so much physical pain. Joaquin and Julie and Castro are too stupid to stop they keep rounding up idiots from San Antonio Chief McManus is currently running his mouth when I don't want to hear it Chief McManus is using the taxpayers dollars to pay all of these people for their travel expenses for their expense at a hotel Three Square meals a day as they make me homeless and watch me starve to death because Chief McManus is that sick he shouldn't be in the state of Minnesota I'm going to remind all of you that he's the one that filled that police department and the police force with all of those criminals that caused the black lives matter protesting and riots across the globe. all those criminals that Chief McManus put on the Minneapolis Police Department caused all these problems it's time to pull the weeds it's time for you people to listen to Keith Ellison as he tells you they're the problem I'm telling you and I will provide the evidence that they are the problem

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