It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Donald and Janet Nearing

in 2021 I was told that Donald killed my mother. I was told that he buried her in a shallow grave at his cabin in Frederick Michigan. when I talked to my relatives they told me they had not seen her since February 7th at which time she had a broken ankle and Donald nearing's the one that broke her ankle. I started making phone calls to find her and find out how she was. I called the city clerk's office and checked for a death certificate to see if maybe there was a funeral and she had died of natural causes because these psychopaths are constantly gaslighting me. I checked with three different city clerks for a death certificate and there isn't one for either of them. I checked with the funeral homes and when I went into Michigan they told me they had a surprise for me that's a funeral home that has always utilized by my family. when I went by that funeral home it is closed down there's a dumpster there and they are renovating and it is no longer a funeral home I guess that's supposed to be some kind of surprise what morons. I didn't actually go up to the door of my parents home because there was a black pickup truck that was chasing me down through the city. in April of 2021 I called the Sheriff's Department in Frederick Michigan I talked to a man who said his name was Keith and he went to check on my parents he was supposed to be doing a well-being check. he said that he looked into the window of a master bedroom and the bed was stripped and there was a big red stain on the mattress. he said it looks very ominous he also said there's no Fresh Tracks and it doesn't look like anybody's been there in a while mind you it was April of 2021 there was no snow in Frederick Michigan so his stupid statement really was a tell that this was an individual who was pretending to be a sheriff in Frederick Michigan and it was likely that I wasn't actually talking to the Frederick Michigan sheriff's department. later I was clued in that it was Gerald Alexander impersonating a police officer he also had been impersonating a Texas Ranger using the same name Keith. then I called the Essexville Michigan police department and the Hampton Township Police Department I asked them to do a wellness check on my parents at the Hampton Township Police Department the officer said well if Donald leren's going to be upset that I'm going to his house to do a wellness check I don't want to do it I don't know who I was talking to but that is the lousiest impersonation of a cop I'm pretty sure I was talking to Thomas worm because that is an idiot. they said that they went out to the home 1140 North Farley Road Essexville Michigan 48732 the phone number had been disconnected the phone number that they had for more than 50 years a landline that had never once been disconnected in 55 years the number is 989-893-9010 that officer didn't call me back after doing a wellness check that's how lousy he was and impersonating a police officer that's how stupid he was I had to wait two days and call the Hampton Township Police Department back again he told me he talked about Janet and Donald who were sitting in their living room watching TV he gave me two cell phone numbers and told me that they were using cell phones instead of a landline and that's why the landline is disconnected that's a lie. I didn't use the cell phones at that time I called back 2 months later and I did a follow-up with the Hampton Township Police Department to find out what the name of the officer was that went to visit my parents at their home. whoever I was talking to avoided at all costs giving me any name at all what he did give me was two more cell phone numbers that were completely different than the other two that he gave me. I ended up calling one of the numbers and talking to a woman who was impersonating my mother it was a rude phone call it was disgusting she didn't act the way that she should have acted she had a very sore throat very hoarse and dry when I asked her if Donald nearing had been in San Antonio Texas which I knew he was she started stammering and stuttering telling me that he still had a garden that he was still going to his cabin up north and giving me all kinds of information that I did not ask for which indicates a lie which indicates a cover-up later I found out that that woman was Maria Perez impersonating my mother in March early March of 2022 I went into Essexville Michigan and there was a black pickup truck that had been following me all over the place trying to run me off the road he came very near to hitting the vehicle that I was driving he chased me through Bay City Michigan on Wilder Road. he was unable to run into my vehicle like he was planning because I received warning and I went the other way through Essexville Michigan he had not known where I had gone because he's not a native of Essexville Michigan. at that time he disclosed that he's been there for a while what's that supposed to mean you been there for a while? I noticed that he parked his vehicle exactly where Donald nearing always Parks his vehicle in front of the garage door but the driveways had not been shoveled nobody shoveled the driveways so whoever the guy is in the black pickup truck he's lazy as the day is long isn't he? I ended up leaving Essexville Michigan and all of these idiots on the right kept telling me I forgot something they told me that my son Aiden Marshall was living at my parents' home with my parents and then I had to go back to get him. what they wanted me to actually go back for was for this guy in the black pickup truck to kill me. the guy in the black pickup truck followed me across Michigan across the Upper Peninsula and time and time again he made attempt on my life trying to run me off the road and hit my vehicle. he followed me into the state of Minnesota he was in Duluth Minnesota he's the one that was sending the pickup truck the tow truck to tow the vehicle I was in he was the one that invented these wild and outlandish charges sending me threatening messages making stupid phone calls telling me he's an employee of Enterprise rental and I'm guilty of stealing a vehicle which is a load of s***. when I got you Saint Paul Minnesota he was staying at the Drury d r u r y. he was in the bar drinking and from what I understand he's a lush and alcoholic he's always drinking I have just been informed that his name is Darren and he has worked very hard I'm playing the part of Donald Nearing shaping into something that looks nearly like him or they went and found a man that already look like Donald Nearing. when I was sitting at a gas station outside of Duluth in a small town outside of Duluth I was starving to death this man in the black pickup truck showed up walk past me to buy two sandwiches in front two sandwiches in my face after I had gone two weeks without food he looked very similar to Donald Nearing but it wasn't Donald he looked just like him. when I was driving through Pennsylvania I saw the actual Donald nearing and he had Maria Perez in the passenger seat he was driving a gray greenish pickup truck and he looked like Donald nearing and looks like Donald nearing should look he had his fat gut right back where it was before he lost all the weight gaining all the way back again. Donald nearing is the one that killed my mother this Darren helped and he's also been covering up the crimes he's an accessory before and after the fact and so is Maria Perez. Rory Vance Thomas worm Michelle Vance shanna's houses are worm Andrea the Asian cyanide killing w**** Christopher deck the dog Christopher Deck The Sovereign all of them are accessories in the death of my mother and covering it up Greg Marshall and his fat disgusting girlfriend Terry Coleman Robertson Hubert Robertson all of them are aware of what happened to my mother and they are accessories before and after the fact. this idiot that's driving the black pickup truck named Darren is the idiot that just commandeered my bank account and he seems to think it's all right because there's somebody very high up in our government who told him to do it and she's got a lot more trouble coming her way right now

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