It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Back to a park bench

I'm back on a park bench Andrea come to town I filed police reports she brought that goofy Thomas boil with her that is so stupid it's hideous complaints will be filed with the Hilton family explanation of how many people went in my room stealing things explanation of Eric the black guy a retired army veteran chasing me around the lobby asking me if I was a guest there how would I get in if I wasn't a guest do you have a brain? do you have to be taking pictures of me refusing to fix the printer that a white dog broke putting their people as valet drivers they're people can't be trusted these are dirty cops these are criminals these are CIA twits. and even though I filed a police report against the CIA twits that are chasing me across the country I don't get Justice I get attacked and it's the CIA that put me back on a park bench they are telling me that I'm going to starve to death and then I'm going to go to go to the Salvation Army so that the twits that they placed at the Salvation Army could then steal everything I have some moron on the left side and I believe it's Victor the Romanian rapist who is telling me that they are going to steal everything from me while I am on the streets because he's sending his Pals the CIA twits are protecting that man even though he is supposed to be extradited to Romania to go to prison for rape. somebody please call Reina make her informed that Victor is in Minnesota and the CIA is paying for his room his meals his travel expenses and probably a monthly snippet while they put me on the streets make me starve to death and tell me that all of the criminals that they brought to Minnesota will be stealing everything that I currently own. thank God you brought Andrea in because I wasn't really sure I had enough to shut down the CIA. now I'm absolutely positively sure I have enough and that's what you get for recruiting a cyanide killing b****

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