It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sept. 17th 2018

Sept. 17th 2018. I wrote this in my journal when normally i would document on instagram but they had stolen all my phones out of my bag when I fell asleep. They planned the act for two weeks. Dirty cops and minions. The reason for the desperation to get the phones was because i had been announcing on Instagram I held the evidence that was putting him in prison. You I had seven phones on my person and the Mayor had illegally hacked into all of them.
Actually they had stole my primary phone I fell asleep it was next to me. I still had the additional seven phones in my bag that are evidence in a major investigation but it didn't take long before they got those too. 
Who is THEY? let's all pray together it's the good guys. 

Park Police

On Sept. 17th 2018 I was sitting on the steps of McDonald’s documenting of all my attacking minions. Two of the minions walked past and said “ she is crazy I have heard her talking to herself”. This was absolutely hilarious. First of all she is announcing that she has spent a whole lot of time getting way too close to me and listening on several occasions. Announcing your a sick stalker. I am talking to myself? How the hell would you know if I am talking to myself? What makes you think no one is listening to me?  Go ahead keep getting that close to me and they will be listening to you as well. Wow people can’t really be this dumb, right?

This is the delusional gas lighting of Hilary Clinton, Castro brothers and their team of idiots. They are lying to these minions saying I am crazy. Apparently if someone is crazy it is perfectly OK to stalk and harass them. These people are so daft they think there is nothing insane about ganging up stalking and harassing one woman, as long as she is crazy it's OK? If someone is crazy shouldn't you find them medical help professionals? You think that the best course of action is to stalk and harass someone all of the city if you believe that have a mental disorder? Wow with this revelation it is clear to many that it is not me with the mental disorder honey. 
 People are really that dumb! My Dad kept telling me there were very dumb people out there I didn’t believe him, he was right they are very dim witted out here. Wow it makes you wonder how they have survived this long dumb people do stupid things that cause their demise....

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