It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 29, 2019

SAPD Officer Garcia criminal

  1. I know him he is just one of hundreds of officers I have had to deal with. Notice he is loosing his job for words from his mouth and there are many officers who have not lost their jobs after making attempts on my life. I am still on the streets struggling to survive and my children are still trapped in abuse. This man who I have had the unfortunate experience of encountering lost his job thankfully for the nastiness from his mouth but not one single officer has been brought to justice for the numerous things that have been done to me. I was sexually assaulted by a detective. I was falsely arrested more than once just because the mayor told them to do it. Officer Garcia assaulted me for taking pictures there is no crime for taking pictures people. The Chief's office is full of sociopaths who told officers to harass and stalk me they were told to call the Chief's office anytime they were able to detain me for anything, that means for the heck of it people I never committed a crime.
Watch this video see the other officer in the video? I have had to deal with him and he was making up penal codes. You can't just decide that someone is trespassing when the property is open to the public these officers don't even know how the law is written. So much worse has been done to me and I have not gotten any justice. 
I was sexually assaulted by a detective more than once, I was assaulted by many officers I am still out here in harms way. 
Just last night July 28th I was followed and chased by three Dirty Park Police officers and I get no justice no help in my situation. 
On Saturday I walked through Travis Park and was telling a story into my phone that I was emotional about. I was talking loud and clear so it would be inputted into the phone correctly. Park Police dirty criminal officer approached me asking if I was OK because I sound agitated. REALLY? He was harassing people and interrupting phone conversations if people appeared to be agitated? How is this respecting our civil rights? What the hell do you officers think you are doing? 
To all you out there, would you be agitated if you did not know where your three small children were? If you could not locate them and you knew they were being abused because they had been placed with their abusive father unlawfully? Would you be agitated if you just found out that the FBI uncovered evidence and a confessional from their father that he was drugging their mother while they were in the womb trying to kill both mother and child? Would this circumstance cause you agitation? Would you be sick with worry wonder if your children were OK? Would you be agitated that you their parent was unable to be with to protect them? Would you be agitated that you were missing their childhood so you could put more than 500 dirty police officers in prison? Would you be agitated that several police officers decided to hold loaded weapons to your head with every intention of killing you and they are still walking around with loaded weapons endangering the lives of every man, woman, and child in San Antonio? Would all these things make you agitated as you walked around trying to convince yourself you are making all these sacrifices for the greater good? Would you be agitated knowing that you are giving your life and sacrificing raising your children to help make this country a safer place and all the citizens of this city and country are so ungrateful they are gang stalking me yelling and screaming at me hunting me calling me vulgar names would you be agitated? 

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