It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Park Police M. Martinez

Bexar county jail has some very serious issues and people have been filing complaints which are ignored. Javier Salazar is guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice and that lists only two of his multitude of crimes. Jailers were being contacted while I was there and instructed to treat me in an extra special manner.
I was complaining for months about the way officers shine their flash lights in people’s eyes then they hold the flash lights there blinding them. Officer Martinez on the riverwalk did this to me twice he was doing it on purpose. Park Police Officer M. Martinez did this to me I asked him nicely to stop he stood over me while I was sitting put his foot between my two feet shined the flash light in my face and said it was for his own safety. What a pussy you need to put a flash light five inches from my face to protect yourself from a hundred pound weakened woman?
While in the jail the officers were instructed to put me in a bunk closest to the desk. I figured out why. On two different evenings they turned on their flash light and directed it towards my bunk for the entire evening.
I found it odd the way the jailers are constantly threatening to do the inmates bodily harm. The mere threat of this is a crime and then you have the crime of following threw with it. What is the dirty salazar doing? Bodily harm is what they did to me an officer frisked me so hard I thought she was going to break my ribs

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