It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

March 27th Gardens poison food

There has been planes jets all day. I did not get pictures because I fell ill and couldn’t move. Yesterday I was given a taco, an orange, and pork rines by a woman pushing a baby in a stroller she kept telling me over and over again it was good. My friend just made it is good. She said this over and over again. I ate a little before realizing what was happening then stopped and threw it away. I kept the orange assuming it was not tainted with poison. I may have been mistaken. The woman pushing the baby in the stroller I look forward to her suffering the consequences of her actions the young man claiming his name is Robert giving me poison coffee he too will suffer the consequences of his actions as well.
I received a threat this morning that my babies and I were going to be slaughtered. I was told the threat came from President Putin. I announced all this as I received it in my phone. I was being gas lighted by Hilary. She delivered the threat and she pointed fingers at Putin. She is a great friend for him to have. NOT.
President Trump got mad at me and told me I was playing at the same game she is playing. No I was being gas lighted and played by Hilary Clinton. Thank God the Mueller Probe is watching all this happen. I completely understand why the President thought I was using her tactics but that wasn’t the case at all. President Trumps action to protect the integrity of Putin is what a real friend does and all these things Hilary Clinton is doing is what a real psycho does.
She has just sent four planes at me and Didn't get pictures however we all know what it looks like when she does this because I have been taking pictures for years.
President Trump and I are standing in the same mocking Jay game from the hunger games. I called her out on it last year and the dim wit just keeps doing it. Her sickness is severe and her mental state is unstable to put it mildly.

This is an old post I don't know why I thought President Trump was behind the poison food but chances are it was Hillary behind it and then sending me messages that Trump was doing it she has been using this tactic for years trying to play us against one another. The agents know where the woman got the poison food and which puppet master was behind it.  

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