It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 17th Methodist Church 1800 hours. Diana & Art

Here's the Moscow agent at the house the dirty Police Officer told her she could take up residence at. Officer Guerra sure is a piece of work. The abandon lot is across the street and these are on dewey. The lot is a junk yard with someone named Gilbert living there Gilbert was sent to attack me he was following me around he gave a cap to be used to identify me with. 

Diana the He/She it that is from Moscow the Pal of SAPD officers and the pal of Mayor Ron Nirenberg IT was protecting him and defending him yesterday when I announced Nirenberg is looking at 5 life sentences and if he keeps going there will most certainly be more. It (Diana) sure did get upset with that news and of course IT doesn't have the mental capacity to conjure a argument that would help the situation. Sorry Mr. Mayor your he/she love could only say "Well he's not in prison now so I guess he's not going". Has anyone ever heard a more crazy stupid statement I have heard 5th graders develop a more intellectual debate. WOW. Putin I am so disappointed IT has no brain and IT is too stupid to see IT is not going to win at any psychological warfare IT is too stupid. I explained loudly that IT is going back to Moscow after IT's prison sentence and never coming back to america again. Just like the last Moscow freak that was prosecuted for Espionage and she did her prison sentence and then became a model sorry Diane you are not no model IT. The next time you get in my  face talking smack . I informed Diana that lying about her origins is not going to fool anyone and the CIA knows exactly where she is from. OK everybody this was IT's response How do I know you are not CIA. OK I told it had an intellect of a 5th grader. I responded with that's right you do not knoow that I am not CIA I could very well be. What sense did this response make? I think IT was trying to defend and protect itself but how does that help IT's situation? If I am CIA I don't think it's a good idea to be telling me you hope my three small children DIE while they are trapped in abuse. This is the Mayor's special friend telling me she hopes my children die in abuse the moron was also trying to call me paranoid. IT, knows exactly what is happening to me. It had agreed to take my life last night and it chickened out and it chickened out again WOW I can't the idiotic things IT said the intellect is so very low. Now that I am calming down. Peel that onion I tell ya. So as I was telling it off there was a donuts eating officer who is out here pretending to be homeless. I think it was last Wednesday that he was told by the FBI Agent Heather who is from Moscow to try to get me to a motel. At that motel that evening someone was murdered when the Moscow Horror was gas lighted into believing I was there. She is a real Horror. This officer who is pretending to be homeless is Art. He was very angry with me when I did not show up he must have been reamed a new hole by the Moscow Horror he couldn't put me in line with my death. He was stressed out after I said loudly that the Moscow IT is going to prison and never coming to america again was he so stupid not to know that he is attacking me for the Russian agents here in San Antonio is harboring hundreds of them, San Antonio is 80% Latino.
Here is Diana who claims to be a witch and she sticks to this rhetoric firmly. She also claims to be from Rome she is from Moscow people and our intelligence agencies have been watching her closely for a long time she has puled in her other Moscow friends she is far from bright. 
I didn't mean for others to hear hear me announcing these things are going to prison and announce that the last one got 18 months and the one before that got 6 years but I was very upset that the Russian scum said she hopes my children die the moron thought she could tell me to stop fighting for my children stop fighting for justice just let her sweet heart the mayor get away with all his crimes including trying to kill me. This moron thought I would listen to her scum mouth. Yes I am angry and it's going to take a few miles before get over. Well anyway I was happy to see the actual congregation was delighted with my announcement and when I chose to walk Away they were helping. Finally people who are not helping dirty cops, dirty castro brothers, dirty chief of monsters, dirty sociopathic mayor of Dirty San Antonio thank you God.  

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