It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Gregory Marshall

Gregory Marshall

This man has nothing he owns nothing no real estate has no bank account he has a Ford Focus these are highly inexpensive vehicles and he doesn’t own it. He has no retirement he has no College funds for the children. He does not own a house or a condominium. He’s living in a house he just got it last November and he’s behind on all of his bills and his rent. I know this because that’s exactly who he was when I was married to him and I can see that he hasn’t changed. Can you imagine all of the energy he spends on the tacking his ex-wife if he would actually apply it to his life make the proper investment increase his education and get a real job he might have actually made something of himself of course now it’s way too late. He never even got a proper education he used an online school and it was not accredited. He didn’t earn the Master’s Degree he developed a picture of a master’s degree Left 4 years he walked around getting jobs based on a picture of a master’s degree that’s called fraud. He’s been investigated by the FBI three times first two times he was able to get away but it’s all coming around now and those FBI agents that allowed him to get away with his crimes they’re going down with him look at how many lives this man destroys. Everything he touched turns to crap. And then he sits around and laughs When people’s lives are destroyed when they end up with criminal charges when their marriage is dissolved when they’re crying in their hurting he laughs

Justin at the Episicopal Church told me I would be having a rough night the Wednesday after the run off election. They planned on telling me that Gregory had been drugging me during our marriage. I don't really know which of they said it but it doesn't surprise me that is not what created the rough night I had nothing to eat. I can't believe all you morons have been in the phones for years and you really thought that this information would create a emotional upset sorry your just silly. Justin is confusing too he was helping FBI and sometimes I think he has decided to help Hillary and band of demons.

Gregory Marshall

I know I’ve already said this but it is so disturbing and setting for me. Gregory Marshall was laughing he knows that he has ruined Shirley Gonzales has ended her marriage ended her career cause her to have criminal charges. He is laughing he thinks himself powerful and smart it’s not smart it’s sick. He knows agents are watching him everything he says everything he does you would think he would tone down his crazy knowing that they can hear what he saying they can see what he’s doing they can hear him laughing. Thinking himself so powerful and such a Casanova he destroyed her life. There’s nothing funny or special about this he convinced her to use her position to attack his ex-wife the mother of his children he is sick she is sick and he’s laughing. Of course I’m not surprised because this is exactly who he is and who he was during our marriage but it’s still disturbing. This kind of laughter is exactly what he did to our son’s face when our son asked him to help pay the bill to the van. Greg left in our son’s face because drugs the one that caused the bill to be overdue. Our son stopped speaking to him for months that’s how he hurts people. He hasn’t changed a bit that one else he’s got much worse because the Castro brothers and Hillary Clinton empowered this monster

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