It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chief McManus and fake me

Chief McManus and Landa Gardens

At 12:30 a.m. this morning and last night I posted on Tumblr videos and pictures of airplanes that were stalking me Hilary Clinton and Chief McManus didn’t like it and decided to send two Officers to apprehend me. I broke no laws. The gardens are open to the public and I am a member of the public. There are no listed hours and there are dog walkers, joggers, and walkers who come to the gardens all day and night long. But appently I am special and I am not allowed to utilize the gardens like every other citizen. There are two homeless people who stay the gardens and no police officer ever comes apprehend them or arrest them.
Last night i knew I would hunted by people who want to harm me. I took some of my cloths and stuffed them with news paper to fool the criminals who would be sent to harm me. I felt it would give me time to flee to safety.
The officers were fooled and were arguing with one and another saying they could not take mee in due to mueller probe. Finally they were told it was stuffed version of me.
The officers have returned.

Two officers showed up to take me away or something like that. A city official showed up the day before putting in a work order to have the lights in the park fixed. I don't know what all that was about maybe it was for my good, probably not. 
So when the officers showed up they were parked by the Library and the officer who is driving a supervisor cruiser went to the pavilion looking for the lights. He called someone screaming, yes he was literally screaming "where are the lights?" They were all there I promise you that city worker did his job. Some of the lights were sitting on the benches but all the lights were there. Hee Hee well they were shinning bright and two young men at the park pawing each other didn't want lights on their activities they took a couple few out and set them down. So the officer didn't even look around he just started screaming. 
So these officers were there for about two and half hours arguing. I didn't hear all of it because I was actually a long ways off the property knowing that I had upset my enemies I knew they would be coming this evening. I left my phone on the property so my enemies would think I was there. When i got close to the property to see what was happening I could hear my phone dinging telling me to get off the property. 
When I was building fake me there was a minion in the bushes watching he made a sort of bird call (sort of), he was laughing when he finally figured out what I was doing. I thought this was an agent later I found out it is an off duty officer. I didn't actually see him he was in the shadows but I always knew when they were there. When these Officers showed up he was hiding by the back entrance and I found a hiding place not far from there. The officers showed up and shadow man disappeared. 
Fake me is newspaper the library throws away every day. 
So I went on property to grab my phone and I heard the screaming I could see the officers were still here and a lot of time has passed. I went off property again and decided I better say something. I told my phone I was not on property at all so they need not worry that confused everyone. So now the officers are facing fake me in their vehicles and they are arguing I thought I heard one of them say we can't take her in she is apart of the Mueller Probe. The supervisor screamer was saying well can't stay here. They turned on their spot lights and shined it on fake me. That sucked I was laying in a field a little ways back those spot lights made all the rodents start running at me and now I have to yell at rodents not to run on me and not be heard by the screaming cop geez. 
So finally I was laughing so hard I could not contain. They were saying what are we going to do? I said "Oh hell shoot her in the head already she is newspaper". It was so funny I was cracking all kinds of jokes and at the end of the day fake me was a real trooper willing to take all that bodily harm so I didn't have to. 
I left and I have no idea if the officers approached fake me or not. Her hat was lifted slightly when I got back so I think so.  I went and hid for a while then I was taking a long walk and there were three or more officers hunting me, great! 
That was the morning the female officer was on the property at 5:30am announcing that me and a female dog walker were entering the property which harassment and stalking of both of us. There is no hours listed and there is nothing wrong with people being there. Dog walkers use the gardens all night and morning long so I don't know what that female Officer thought she was doing it's my guess she just doesn't think at all. 
The following morning is when I was given poison food and poison coffee. 
I didn't dismantle fake me until 1400 hours so she sat next to me and minions took pictures of us together how sweet.  

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