It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Sometime last year Hilary Clinton started to become frustrated that the Castro Brothers were unable to get control of me she and Christopher Wray teamed up and started to do something smarter than the Castro Brothers ever did. They started to learn they needed to find people from my past and people that I admired and had respect for. First in July and August of last year I was being gang stalked by the people from the past life. Friends, neighbors, a couple of the ex husband’s mistresses, Daycare parents from my daycare, my daughter’s best friend and her mother, and many more. It was like living day in and day out in the TV show this is your life. What I learned I have no friends and those who I considered dear were willing to stab anyone in the back for Hilary Clinton & the Director of the FBI. 
I don’t know the exact month this happened and I can’t be sure which of the demons made the phone call. They developed the idea that if they could find someone that I respected and admired and then get those individuals to tell me that I am insane maybe then I would believe the lie. So in theory it sounds good right? I would have been heart broken but it would not have changed my reality we were too far into the game.
My ex husband has often made the joke “I think we are living with Anthony Robbins every room I go into in my house I can hear his voice.”….HA HA Well it sure would be better than living with the EX-HUSBAND.
So this lead my enemies to make the call to Anthony Robbins. I am pretty sure it was Hilary Clinton that made the call. Low and behold Mr. Robbins said NO. I know exactly what his response would be too….I DON’T DO THAT!!!
So she didn’t get her way and she has become quiet accustom to getting her way too. What she did was created a witness and he is a very solid witness too thank you Hilary thank you. 
I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if she called Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Jimmy & Karen Evans, and many many others. Oh did you call Gavin De Becker too? How about the Peaceful Warrior there’s still time Hilary get to the phone I am giving the list of influential people I respect get on it You GO GIRL GET THEM…isn’t that what you said to me on instagram? Well right back at you Lipids Queen GO GIRL YOU GET THEM….

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