It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


I was thrown in jail on October 11th for a crime that I never committed. The original arrest was in August the officer did the arresting boldly admitted his was instructed to do it by Mayor Nirenberg and the station filled up with officers when I was at the station. They all stood before me bragging about being in legal with the Mayor. One of them picked up his phone and said look it’s the mayor’s office wanting to know what is happening. All their names have been given to investigators. I committed no crime and i was slammed up against a wall and arrested. He failed to even ID me before the arrest Officer Garcia. Large very Large and his partner was annoyed and told me we would be waiting for the paper work for hours. He was walking me down commerce in cuffs to the sub station and he started screaming at me what’s your name, who are you I was taken make because the unstable officer was screaming I was terrified and I do not speak to people that are screaming that is ridiculous animal behavior. He then started to scream i was guilty of failure to ID. So my arms are cuffed behind my back and I am walking….could someone help me understand how I am suppose to get my ID? So this is a long story I will finish later
In September and October I kept getting the threat that you see listed above I didn’t understand the threat well other than they were going to have me killed I hear that almost every day and yet i still breath in and out. I got to jail and all the officers there were calling me the blogger. Well I have a blog and the blog was build for one purpose. When I went to the FBI the agent gave me a list of what he needed from me and I built the blog to give the agents everything that was on the list. Funny thing because of Google CEO no one could actually see the blog yet I was being called the blogger in jail and all the jailers were whispering she is here because of the Mayor and Chief. It was such a fun experience I recommend it to no one. My favorite part was when Officer Leah or something close to that slammed me against a wall and frisked me so hard I think she was trying to break my bones. Literally my ribs were bruised she has no restraint and she doesn’t seem to know how to control her anger. She is the poster child of unstable. I heard her and many other jailers saying to the inmates they were going to beat the crap out them and they used other terms that I am not versed in but it is all written down. Excuse me is threatening to do someone bodily harm against the law? I heard that somewhere TV? HMM. 
Why did the unstable jailer frisk me with the intent of doing bodily harm? In jail here you can not have water unless you have something to put the water in. And sometimes you can’t have it then either. I had no money and no container for the water and I was always thirsty. I’ll share later what happened to my body because of this. So I took a water bottle from the garbage. From a trash can people I did not steal it from anyone i took it from the trash so I could fill it with water and have water that was much needed. Then she inflicted bodily harm and the unstable jailer told me I would be moved to a high risk cell and I would no longer be worker. That is not her job and she had no right telling me what was going to happen to me that is the job of the disciplinary SGT. she is a corporal and it is not her place to decide what will or will not happen to inmates after discipline.

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