It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sick Sociopathic Dr. Kevin Barton

My God do you see what this says you are safe! You are most certainly not safe here people these doctors are sociopaths. This Kevin is married to Shirley Gonzalez and she is sleeping with my ex-husband. She manipulated the system to put my children in his custody they are now being abused every aspect of abuse and they are being poisoned daily that is how sick Shirley Gonzalez is. I informed this doctor of the affair. I was told about the affair by investigating agents I did not even know. I accidentally walked past her house last October and she had two police officers attacking me I didn't even know it was here house what a psycho. She lied to those police officers that is a felony people. 
When her husband confronted her about the affair she lied to him and convinced him that their was no affair she told him I am insane. The Moronic Doctor decided to follow and chase me all over the city what a creep. He was out on the streets threatening my life because his whore wife convinced him I am insane. Is that the course of action a doctor should take if he encounters a insane person? If someone is mentally handicap and they may need medical attention and therapy you get in your auto and chase them around threatening them while they are on foot. Is that what doctor should do? You are a psycho. Then this man had the audacity to come into the Starbucks I was in and he was standing over me shaking his head and rolling his eyes at me. Who exactly do you think you are you psychopath you were just on the street using your auto to threaten my life chasing me down for miles and you have the balls to get in my face rolling your eyes at me? DO NOT GO TO THIS CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE YOU WILL PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER.
How nice of psych Kevin to help his whore wife to attack the ex-wife of his wife's lover. What great husband to make sure his wife can have his cake and eat it too. So self-sacrificing of this psycho doctor. When both you and your wife go to prison who will take care of those children. Your going to be broken and since your wife thinks it is OK to put people on the streets homeless starving to death that's exactly what her and hers should suffer through. Shirley Gonzalez is so sick she is hacking into my phones that is not even close to legal she really is a sociopath that thinks she is above the law.

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