It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Lady GaGa

Lady Gaga was contacted by Hillary Clinton she was asked to come to San Antonio and stalk and harass a innocent mother fighting for her children. Amazing that Hillary was stupid enough to show her true colors to a superstar that previously was in support of her. Lady was never doing Hillary a favor she was cooperating with the investigation that is bringing all you sociopaths to justice. She came to San Antonio and she did what Hillary requested and she saw for her own eyes all the sociopaths that make up the city of San Antonio and when this is over she will be telling the word that San Antonio is a very sick place. Even with Lady testifying against Hillary she still doesn't have enough of a brain to stop committing crimes. As I sit here typing this the stupid Hillary just sent another killer at me. She is completely unstable.

As you San Antonio law enforcement officials read this seeing I need help and you sit on your asses doing nothing that will be listed in the report and it will be told all over the world that the city of san antonio is a very sick place with officers who are completely sociopathic and unstable. Your actions prove it I have not eaten in three days I am being hunted by sick people that police officers are sending at me and I can't seem to get any help. Please stop lying to america you are not peace keepers you are criminal sociopaths. Let me remind all that San Antonio is 80% Latino and 80% of my attackers are that.   

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