It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Ariel Friend

Not only is this a Minion for the Castro Brothers but this young lady used to be my daughter Ariel’s best friend when we lived here in Stone Oak when I had a daycare and a real life

She was sending out a huge amount of texts to Ariel Jade Robertson and Gregory Marshall the agents I am sure are fully aware. 
I stepped outside and she sent her friend to follow me and record everything I said the friend sent her the recordings and then she sent them to my ex-husband, daughter, Castro brothers and lord only knows who else.
The recordings included me complaining about how long I have been out here being bait for these criminals some call city officials and I was complaining that the agents working undercover get breaks and showers, food when ever they want and I do not. I was listing all the various times I was told I would be pulled out like Jan. 04th when congress was voting, elections last year, Christmas Eve, Mayor's elections and run-off elections. You see I was never really being pulled on these dates at all I was being told this so my enemies could see it and they woud be sent into a panic and commit twice as many crimes making sure I either died or the agents were unable to pull me to safety at all. The agents weren't really pulling me this is called a sting and these are the things done in a sting.
I think the most awesome of the set ups was yesterday I hide on Sunday night no one could find me and my phone was off they panicked I had been pulled. They sent security working at the old sears building on San Pedro where I was hiding he didn't see me. Then they sent a police officer same location sometime after 11pm I think he didn't see me. All night long they were panicked and looking for me. About 4am I turned on the phone and off again quick and then they sent mall security again to San Pedro Starbucks and the cell phone store next to it. They sent stalkers driving up and down San Pedro looking for me. At 7am or a little before I went in the Target and they saw me on the cameras oops. 
Later that day I was on the bus when I got off there was an abulance waiting for me for my fake death...well my enemies were gas lighted into believing that we were faking my death. I saw  striped pick up in the North Star parking lot it looked identical to Officer Christopher Dech's pick up I went to it to see last four 9427. Two people came out when I was standing there to get the pick up. That was smart and I am glad I saw them so they drove out of the mall. See they were leaving just moments after I got to the I went in the mall I tried to avoid the cameras. News flash you can not avoid cameras at the mall I was all over the place. I went to the bathroom someone kept knocking to get out of there I thought I was hiding but they wanted me moving. So I ended up outside and they sent security to find me. She was smiling big. I saw maintenance and I recognized them as some of my stalkers they too were smiling they spotted me.  Darn so I stood in the parking garage between two cameras a white pick up 4x4 showed up stopped in front of me took pictures sent messages. The gig was up so I sat in the fora of the JC Penny store. I was prompted to move to be in the cameras' view as hundreds of minions were sent to the mall to stalk me and walk past me. The agents used the Penny's cameras to record everything and I sat taking a break to journal. FUN FUN. 
Later that day on the 10th we fooled them again...oh no I went walking through elizabeth street I had walked there in October and my enemies went crazy...I didn't know why I only knew I had two terrill hills officers all over me and one of them asked if I knew anyone in the neighborhood. NO NOT A SINGLE PERSON. I assumed he was insinuating I couldn't walk through there if I didn't know anyone that live there. I was defensive. The real reason that officer asked was because he had been pulled into a white house and who ever live there told him that I was stalking them and I knew it was their house. I didn't and I proved that later. So I figured that it was a house in the neighborhood that caused these officers to stalk and harass me and scare the crap out of me. I was guessing that it was Joaquin Castro for about four months or 5. I guessed wrong it isn't. There was a white woman with blonde hair that was chasing me down when I stood on the street she pulled in the house in question nearly running over my feet there were two little girls in the back saying mommy is home. One white and one Latino well that is what it looked like anyway. Definitely not Joaquin's house so I was at a lose ho lives there? last four of the plate was 2424. FBN 7138 in drive. I am now guessing when I say it is Shirley Gonzales I truly don't know and i guessed wrong before and i could be wrong again so just a guess. Why would I know it was her house why would I want to know? What would I have to accomplish or gain by walking past her house? It does not make sense would she do this if it were my house? Is that why she thinks I would do that to her? I didn't even know she was sleeping with my ex-husband an agent told me a little more than a week ago. I don't care he is not problem anymore it is her problem and I am happy it is hers and not mine.   

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