It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 21, 2019

Gregory Marshall poisoning his wife while she was pregnant

And Wednesday the detectives informed me that they had gotten a confessional from Gregory Marshall have been poisoning his wife during their marriage he was poisoning her while she was pregnant with their last child Anakin. After Anakin's birth they were able to find the drugs in his system as well as his mother's system. Is that compiled with the fact that Gregory Marshall was bragging boasting about the fact that he was poisoning his wife trying to end her life he had taken out a life insurance policy that she was unaware of. Lisa van Akron was his mistress at the time she was supplying him with the drugs necessary to kill his wife. Apparently they were her prescription meds and the two of them were conspiring together and how to end the life of his pregnant wife. There was a specialist for the newborn baby because the drugs had tainted his system in his renal system almost failed. Gregory Marshall was the one talking to the specialist making sure the specialist never was able to talk to his wife without him present. Gregory Marshall lied to that specialist about several things to explain away the drugs in the system he used excuses like his wife was consuming too much coffee. As you can imagine coffee and prescription meds look very different in a blood work.
It has been said that a CPS investigation has finally begun and they have found that he is also poisoning three young children.
I have been gaslighted by by my enemies on a daily basis so whether or not CPS really did go in and help my children or not I do not know.
I do wonder what happened to the detective at Prue Road substation who was supposed to start a CPS investigation during January of 2018. Try to imagine 18 months later and my children are still suffering the same abuse because the detective at the substation didn't seem to do his job. He chose to do a favor for dirty politicians and a dirty police chief instead of helping three small children

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