It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 8, 2019

Simpletons everywhere

  1. Get a load of this simpleton she or he whatever it is truly believes that if they play dumb and they don’t know what is happening that they won’t be indicted by the Robert Mueller probe I have news for you you can play dumb all you want all of your messages and everything that you’ve done has been recorded it will be taken to a court of law the Department of Justice will judge you and playing dumb in front of the judge not a good idea. You are guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice you have been colluding with foreign agents who are guilty of espionage attacking our nation attacking our democracy and playing stupid as if you didn’t know what you were doing isn’t going to do you any good. It’s true that you’re going to have to liquidate all of your assets and your entire savings account will be used for your defense but the money isn’t the big concern being able to find an attorney stupid enough to go up against Robert Mueller that’s the concern for you because nobody’s that stupid you are on your own
    1. Here we have the troll minions they don’t have much of a brain to speak of as they are sending messages back and forth to the Castro brothers and dirty police officers and dirty agents have a foreign country they are being watched closely by the FBI NSA and CIA they are too simple to realize they are being watched all of these messages that are being sent back and forth are being recorded documented and being ready to be taken into a court of law where they will face indictment. I personally hope that they received the maximum penalty which is death for being a traitor to our nation. But it’s up to the judge it’s not up to me I am bringing you to continue to commit more crimes and troll this fake Tumblr so the investigating agents for the Mueller probe have more to bring to a court of law to make your indictment that much bigger
    2. The trolls have been telling me that I need to kill myself. 
    3. Officer Nick Doiser told me that I am never going to see my children again. He is the officer that has been hunting and trying to kill me. 
    4. Hillary Clinton is trying to convince me I am delusional this from the woman who tried to frame trump for hate crimes and the cause of the pipe bombings that she sent out herself. OK Hillary your an authority on insane honey and you hack into every phone and computer that I purchase or just use for a day. 

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