It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 8, 2019

RED who was let out of jail to be sent at me

  1. What ever was in the poison cigarettes this criminal gave me it successfully made me extremely sick all day today. He shared with some other homeless people that he now has no record and it has been completely wiped clean he simply needed to attack me and they were cleaning his record for him. He did two weeks in Bexar County Jail and you can bet that is was not even offensives that justified jail time. The story he fed me was false it was completely make believe and then my enemies used google to put that fake story out there. I took screen shots of the fake story and posted it to this tumblr, not only that but it goes directly to the FBI data base. I don’t what they hoped to accomplish with all this rhetoric but they successfully have more crimes under their belts. It’s amazing all you morons think that Hillary is going to protect you. You think Hillary can protect you from prison I don’t think she can. Your going to find out the hard way.     
  1. I just had a nice conversation with a man named red. He said he just got out of jail and while he was in jail a man died. He told me that a man that was guilty of white collar crime was put in with a murderer. Now when I read the headlines it says something about white supremacy trying to make an excuse as to why he was murdered. Salazar lied to media and said both of them were guilty of violent crimes that’s not true. The man who died was guilty of white collar crime credit card fraud and identity theft it’s not violent. As if Salazar hasn’t committed enough crimes with collusion and obstruction of justice and official oppression now he is causing the death of inmates and lying about whether or not they were guilty of violent crimes this is ridiculous. These two men got in an argument and the very violent inmate killed the other had nothing to do with white supremacy

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