- This is Christopher Wray’s other buddy he finds the perverts with substance abuse issues. He gets them to do his evil bidding. We are what we surround ourselves by is anyone wondering who Christopher Wray really is? I have a long list that illustrates that.
John Simpson was told he had to sleep with me. After drinking everyday for 14 years do you really think his junk works Wray? I don’t know and I have intention of finding out but really I think there is nothing there.
John Simpson
It’s time for a little background on a minion John Simpson. He had an altercation a verbal altercation outside of dominos. The man threatened to go to his vehicle and get a knife and pull it on John. Park police showed up and John was arrested he was charged with a terroristic threat it was a false charge. They held him in Bexar County jail for 3 months on a false arrest. John was in injured seriously in a via bus accident. He then received a huge settlement from via. Because of the large amount of money he now had the city of San Antonio news that he was capable and willing to sue the city. If he chooses to do so he will win that lawsuit against the city. He is one of many thousands who has been falsely arrested and held in jail for an astounding amount of time.
City officials knew that they had to make nice with mr. Simpson. Park police officers became Pals with him and asked him to do favors they made him feel special because he was helping with police investigations. He was unaware that these were not investigations at all these were attacks on an innocent woman a mother fighting for her children. They then put him in direct contact with the director of FBI Christopher Wray. As you can imagine this made him feel powerful and special. 4 a little more than 6 months John Simpson was following me around the city. I would receive notification to take a picture and I was taking pictures of my stalkers when I look back to all of those pictures I saw John Simpson a lot. Last year 2018 he approached me when I was on the street and had nowhere to go and I was ill and told me that I could stay in his motel room. This was a plan of Christopher Wray.
All of these minions help me out for exactly one week and then they received payment in one form or another. John Simpson was instructed to have sex with me. While he was on the street he met another young lady and he decided to help her out which was a blessing for me because she distracted him from his attack on me. She was another Minion brought into this game. She sat down and shared her story with me that she was being stalked and harassed people were chasing her because of an ex-boyfriend. She’s done in shared with me that she had made the president very angry by tweeting a vulgar name. Then she told me she knew nothing about politics and she spent her life avoiding politics. She was repeating my story back to me how cute. She got some details wrong however I received the message that I was supposed to receive.
John Simpson played along with the game you had me staying at the Drury paper room for me management was then informed that I needed to be removed because he wasn’t making good on the payment on the room basically they were setting me up for failure and they were hoping that I would have an emotional breakdown because I was back on the street again. When I was being followed and watched by management while at the Drury they were hoping this too would create an emotional upset. Well it didn’t and they had to continue to find different ways to create an emotional upset because they were hoping and praying for me to have a nervous breakdown. They failed over and over again generally when people fail over and over again they learn. But the members of our government don’t seem to learn. Repeating the same things over and over again hoping for different results the definition of insanity.
I was arrested October 11th 2018 thrown in jail it was false charges. My bond was a minor amount. John Simpson was the only phone number I had so I called him and asked for his help. He told me that he was going to post the bail so that I can get out. He told me what time it would be done and he never had any intention of posting the bail. Christopher Ray and instructed him to do this. This way I would be sitting in jail counting on John to show up for the bail and he was never going to show up it was never going to happen once again there hope was to create an emotional upset.
John Simpson is a severe alcoholic he begins drinking at 10 a.m. and he does not stop drinking until he passes out in the evening hours. If he goes anytime at all without alcohol at this point in his life he will suffer DTs.
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