It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


  1. Remember yesterday when I said that all the women at the meeting for the Heritage restoration nonprofit organization where highly familiar to me and they knew me. Today as I was walking down the street I saw their building and now I know why they know me. They have a building that is right next to the sac College I’ve spent a lot of time everyday at SAC.
    Everyone who works and lives around this college has been contacted and asked to stalk and harass me. These women looked familiar because they come into the college library and sit near me. Bullies, stalking and harassing.
    I find it important to point out the problems with the building this is a non-profit that is focused on restoring old building and historic landmarks and look how they are allowing this building to crumble they’re only using half of the building the other half of the building is open to the elements. The front of the building is broken the windows are broken the door is broken all of the bricks and steps are broken they took a tarp with pictures of women on it and covered all of the things that was broken and a hazard opposed to fixing them. This nonprofit is going to save and restore the heritage of San Antonio they’re going to save and restore old buildings they’re allowing just one to crumble. You see the ivy growing on the side of the building pretty right? That Ivy will destroy the foundation it will grow right through the stucco and the brick in about 10 years the buildings will literally turn to dust

  1. the conversation I am listening to is about discrediting white people they are focusing on struggling people of color and I am waiting for them talking about how the are going to save the historic buildings that rotting that I have been yelling about and fighting for. it is their job to do what I am doing and they are doing nothing. She said city council wouldn’t listen when she was trying to save a building she threw her hands up …that is not the last stop you don’t just give up. She was referring to Julian Castro’s rain of terror.
    It’s important for you all to know they all know me and I don’t know them. I walked in here and they all became very nervous
    1. they saying they are doing something about saving the historic buildings however everyone can see my tumblr is full of buildings that are decaying and falling apart and these people are doing nothing

All these women have been stalking and harassing me for years many of te women working this event I recognize as being in the SAC library sitting right next to me stalking and harassing me.
Their non-profit looks more like an excuse to justify their existence they work closely with Mitch Meyer and we all know this man is guilty of some heavy crimes why else is he freaking out the CIA is here in San Antonio he is the one who bought up a bunch of property telling these women he was going to help save the hays bridge.   
These are wolves in sheeps clothing don't be fooled a group of criminals

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