It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Dech vs. McManus

Chief McManus was hacking into my computers and phones as I was trying to teach myself how to blog. I wrote a Blog about this police officer the chief then published it for me even though I didn’t want it published. Then he started contacting all of his police officers informing them that I had a crush and that I was stalking and harassing this officer. I never stalked and harassed this officer. He lied through his teeth and officers on his force are Daft enough to believe the lies and spread the rumors and act stupid like children. Instead of getting them to act professional and actually do their job they were acting like high school children with ridicule and condemnation when I ask for police reports I got them pointing and laughing I know it seems that I was the one who had a crush on an officer. They claim that I was talking in harassing him no such thing was happening.
Now this officer was playing along with the game claiming to all of his comrades that yet that’s the one stalking and harassing me because she has a crush. And once again I am not and never was stalking and harassing him.
Beauty is on the outside and if you’re ugly on the inside it emanates out. If you’re an ugly person who helps to gang up on a person that makes you pretty or ugly.

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