It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Christmas Eve Killer


He was telling me he spends a lot of time at Travis church and it is their clinic that gave him the antidepressants. The day I met Brian the killer who tried to take my life on Christmas Eve; Cesar was sitting at my table. Now it has become clear where this minion came from. Pasteur Gavin has not stopped supplying the Castro’s with criminal killers and distracting minions to play games on behalf of the demons. Gavin was a homeless criminal before he became a Pasteur at Travis Church he knows what to say to them to get them to agree to murder and attaching themselves to me in an effort to get to stop fighting for my children and stop fighting for justice. Gavin his too stupid a mother who loves her children never stops fighting. A solider who loves her country never stops fighting for democracy. Gavin is criminally insane and could never understand these things. You not safe just you surround yourself with people who claim to be Christians. Many of the churches in San Antonio are filled with amoral criminals.
I saw another of Gavin's puppets yesterday and more than one at church under the bridge. Cesar shared with me that in Dec. When he was following me i turned around asked him a question and then did a disappearing act. I remember doing that i was afraid of him. He repeated over and over again he wasn’t really following me that is guilt if it were not an actual fact he wouldn’t have to reinforce it so emphatically.

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