It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Austin ER visit and urinalysis false positive

I don't do drugs not even marijuana. When the ER doctor in Austin Texas shared with me that I had marijuana in my urine, I was puzzled and confused. I didn't really get that upset about it as I should have, I normally would have been yelling it would ruin my case and my reputation and on and on with negative nelly, but this time I just said well that's wrong and that's all there is to it. 
I thought maybe because I had been exposed to a lot of different drugs when with Chuck Anderson that some second hand smoke may have caused the issue but now that I read this below that doesn't really add up. I had been in Austin for 6 hours when they did the test and this article says if the test is done just hours after exposure it may cause a false positive. I had gone a full 24 hours since exposure; this doesn't add up. I think it's a case of yet more individuals lacking a 
A VIA bus driver told me that it happens to bus drivers if a rider gets on and blows it in their face it affects the testing and when they are retested the following day it is no longer there. 
Methodist didn't find anything in my system, however they did in fact receive the same phone call as the Austin ER received. Did Austin ER staff mess with my test results? Did Methodist staff members refuse to do so? Aren't they awesome, Say Yes Methodist !!!
When I got to the VA and they collected all my medical records that false positive became an issue. 
What to do?
Who gave me those cigarettes? 

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