It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

June 8th while locked in my home i started to see evidence i would be thrown under bus by Gilliam

On or around June 8th I saw evidence that Sargent Gilliam was going to throw me under the bus after all this was over, I started to believe I would not be reunited with my babies and my life would not be restored loss of job, home, ect..ect..
So I was saying out loud I was going to the FBI. Sargent Gilliam became very upset with this statement and he started to threaten me with no payment of my bills no justice served onto my ex-husband who was helping A. Flores to kill me, and so on. Well I wasn't really going to go anyway the statement was designed to up Flores and when I explained the intention of the statement I was explaining to Dech at this point I care not for Sargent Gilliam and his fragile ego. However I knew with him that I was still in a position to walk on glass and egg shells or die. If he got to upset he would pull SWAT from back yard and he would pull my Christopher from front and I would surely DIE. So I continued to walk on glass, of course I was asking myself if my glass walking was going to help me at all it seemed as though this man had his mind made up already and I not going to fare well in the end. Looking back now I wish I would have done something to cover my butt a little and maybe I wouldn't be out here now wondering where my next meal will be coming from.

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